John Switch Thu Feb 29 2024

Cream Long Haired Dachshund: All Fun Facts And Pictures

Cream Long Haired Dachshund: All Fun Facts And Pictures

The Cream Long Haired Dachshund, a variation of the classic breed, captivates dog lovers worldwide with its unique appearance and delightful personality. With their distinctive cream coats, they embody a perfect blend of spunk, affection, and a notable stubborn streak.

This extensive guide delves into the enchanting world of Cream Long-haired Dachshunds, covering everything from their unique temperament and health considerations to grooming requirements and more.

Whether you’re a current Dachshund owner, are considering adding one to your family, or are simply a fan of the breed, this article aims to answer your questions and shed light on the delightful intricacies of these captivating dogs.


Cream Long Haired Dachshund Quick Facts

    Name:      Cream Long Haired Dachshund
    Height:      5 to 9 inches
    Weight:     11 to 32 pounds
    Lifespan:      12 to 16 years
    Colors:      Shades of cream
    Temperament:      Loyal, affectionate, friendly, energetic

Cream Long Haired Dachshund History

Developed in Germany over 600 years ago, Dachshunds were bred for their prowess in hunting badgers. The breed's name itself derives from the German words "Dachs" (badger) and "Hund" (dog).

The long-haired variant was later introduced to provide additional protection against harsh weather during hunts, likely through breeding with spaniels or setters. Although always present, the cream coloration has gained popularity in recent decades due to its stunning aesthetic appeal.

Cream Long Haired Dachshund Appearance Traits

Cream Long Haired Dachshunds are distinguished by their elegant, flowing coats and the cream shade that sets them apart from other color variations within the breed. Their appearance is a blend of grace and functionality, reflecting their historic role as determined hunters and their current status as beloved companions.

How Big Is a Long Haired Cream Dachshund?

The size of a Long Haired Cream Dachshund can vary depending on whether they are of the standard or miniature variety.

  • Standard Cream Long Haired Dachshund: The standard variety typically weighs between 16 and 32 pounds (7.3 to 14.5 kg) and stands 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) tall at the shoulder. Their length, from the nose to the base of the tail, can be significantly longer than their height, often surprising those unfamiliar with the breed by their elongated body.
Cream Long Haired Dachshund All Fun Facts And Pictures How Big Is a Long Haired Cream Dachshund?
  • Miniature Cream Long Haired Dachshund: The miniature version is smaller, generally weighing under 11 pounds (5 kg) and standing 5 to 6 inches (13 to 15 cm) tall at the shoulder. Despite their diminutive size, they share the same proportions and elongated body shape as their standard counterparts.

Both standard and miniature Long Hair Cream Dachshunds are characterized by their long, low bodies, which were historically advantageous for their work in burrowing into dens and tunnels in pursuit of game.

What Is a Cream Long Hair Dachshund’s Coat Type?

The Cream Dachshund Long Hair coat is soft and silky to the touch, often with a slight wave, though not curly. This texture allows for a graceful flow that enhances their elegant appearance.

The fur is notably longer on the underbody, ears, chest, and the back of the legs, with the fur on the tail forming a flag. This longer fur requires regular grooming to maintain its condition and prevent matting.

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The "cream" in their name refers to the coat's color, which ranges from a light, almost white, to a rich golden hue. This coloration is uniform across the body, though some may have slightly darker shadings on the ears and tail.

Cream Long Haired Dachshund Temperament Traits

Cream Long Haired Dachshunds often display a more amiable disposition than their wire-haired or smooth-coated peers. These dogs may develop a deep attachment to a single family member, becoming what's known as "one-person" dogs. However, this tendency is somewhat less pronounced in Cream Long-haired Dachshunds, though it's not absent.

When encountering strangers, Dachshunds might show a reserved nature or even express caution through barking. Long-haired varieties are also noted for their relatively greater openness towards new faces, though all Dachshunds can become affable and well-behaved with adequate socialization.

English Cream Long Haired Dachshund Temperament Traits English Cream Long Haired Dachshund Temperament Traits

These dogs are well-known for their vibrant personalities, often showing bravery and a natural curiosity. Their historical role as badger hunters means they have a penchant for digging, which could lead to garden adventures unless a specific digging spot, like a sandbox, is provided.

Despite their compact size, Dachshunds possess a surprising amount of energy. They may resort to destructive chewing if bored. Underscoring the importance of sufficient physical activity, training, and interactive play to keep them engaged and content.

Are Long Hair Cream Dachshunds Affectionate?

Yes, Cream Long-haired Dachshunds tend to show affection towards their family members. While they might seek solitude occasionally, they often appreciate gestures of love like being petted, cuddled, and resting in your lap.

Are Long Haired Cream Dachshunds Good with Kids?

Raising a Cream Long Haired Dachshund in a household with young children is not typically advised, though it's not entirely out of the question. They might react defensively, such as growling or snapping, towards children who do not give them space. Nonetheless, they can adapt well to living with older children who know how to interact with them gently and respect their space.

Cream Long Haired Dachshund All Fun Facts And Pictures Are Long Haired Cream Dachshunds Good with Kids?

The Dachshund's elongated spine makes them particularly vulnerable to injury. Younger children might not know how to lift the dog correctly, risking harm. Therefore, if a Dachshund is to share a home with children, you should teach the children to either correctly handle the dog or to engage with it at ground level, ensuring a safe and respectful cohabitation.

Are Cream Long-Haired Dachshunds Good with Other Pets?

Cream Long Haired Dachshunds can coexist peacefully with other dogs and may also get along with cats. However, they are not the ideal companions for smaller pets like rabbits or guinea pigs due to their innate hunting instincts, a remnant of their breeding history.

The behavior of a Dachshund around other animals largely depends on the socialization and training they receive early in life. They must learn to refrain from chasing smaller animals.

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It's essential to closely monitor your pup in the presence of potential prey animals. Furthermore, you should supervise them when outside. This is because their instincts may drive them to pursue squirrels, rabbits, and other wildlife.

Are Cream Long Hair Dachshunds Aggressive?

Long Hair Cream Dachshunds aren't famous for aggression but are also far from timid. Unlike some dogs who exhibit endless patience and allow virtually any interaction without complaint, a Dachshund might express discomfort through growling or snapping if they feel annoyed.

Are Long Haired Cream Dachshunds Aggressive? Are Long Haired Cream Dachshunds Aggressive?

It's important to remember that each dog has its own unique personality. You might encounter Long-haired Dachshunds who are exceptionally gentle and accommodating, while others may be more stubborn. By providing your pet with proper socialization from a young age and treating them with the respect they deserve, you're likely to enjoy a harmonious relationship.

Cream Long Haired Dachshund Care Concerns

Let's explore the care considerations for Cream Long Haired Dachshunds.

Food & Diet

Opt for dog food specifically designed for small breeds, adhering to the feeding instructions provided on the packaging. The highest quality dog foods meet AAFCO standards, are developed by veterinary nutritionists, and are validated through feeding trials.

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for Cream Long hair Dachshunds. Obesity can lead to numerous health issues. It poses an even greater risk for them due to their elongated spine. Excess weight can increase the strain on their backs, potentially causing herniated discs.

When it comes to treats, dog owners must be particularly judicious. Treats need to be included in the calculation of the dog's total dietary intake and daily caloric needs.

While the feeding recommendations on dog food packaging provide a helpful starting point, they may not account for additional calories from treats or other sources. To accurately assess your dog's caloric requirements, consider using online tools or calculating it manually.

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Cream Long Haired Dachshunds truly embody their description with notably lengthy fur. Fortunately, their fur doesn't require the same level of care as a Yorkshire Terrier.

Nonetheless, the length of their coat does make it prone to tangling and matting. Regular brushing, at least weekly, can prevent these issues, ensuring your Dachshund's coat remains smooth and well-maintained.

Given their low stature, it's wise to inspect and possibly trim the fur around the belly after outdoor activities, as it can easily collect debris. Managing the length of belly fur may become necessary to avoid entanglement.

Like all canine companions, maintaining nail length and daily dental care is essential for their overall health and comfort.


The compact size of these dogs might suggest they prefer a sedentary lifestyle. However, this hunting breed is far from idle. While not overly energetic, they are playful and require at least one hour of exercise daily.

Cream Long Hair Dachshund Exercise Needs Cream Long Hair Dachshund Exercise Needs

Opting for two 30-minute walks is an excellent method to meet this need, as walking benefits their mental and physical health without overburdening them due to their small stature. Additionally, playful activities in the yard or engaging in a game of fetch are also enjoyable exercise options for them.


The curiosity and intelligence of Cream Long Haired Dachshunds can serve as both an advantage and a challenge in training. Their keen minds mean they're quick to pick up new skills, yet their interest in the environment can lead to distractions, pulling their attention away from training tasks.

Implementing reward-based training strategies is crucial for keeping a Dachshund engaged. High-value treats can significantly enhance motivation, and holding training sessions short is essential to prevent boredom. Begin in quiet settings to minimize distractions and gradually introduce more challenging environments as your dog's focus improves.

Although self-training is possible, you should enroll these dogs in a group class. Such settings offer invaluable opportunities for your puppy to learn in the presence of distractions like other dogs and people, and they provide direct access to professional guidance for any questions you might encounter.

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How Long Can a Cream Long Haired Dachshund Live?

On average, Long Hair Cream Dachshunds can live 12 to 16 years.

What Health Issues Do Cream Long Haired Dachshunds Have?

Cream Long Haired Dachshunds are prone to specific health issues due to their unique body shape and genetics. The most significant issues to be aware of include:

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): This is a common condition in Dachshunds due to their long spine and short rib cage, which puts them at risk for spinal problems. IVDD can lead to pain and paralysis and require surgical intervention.
  • Patellar Luxation: This condition involves the dislocation of the kneecap, which can cause lameness or an abnormal gait. It's relatively common in small breeds, including Dachshunds.
  • Obesity: Dachshunds are prone to obesity, which can exacerbate spinal issues like IVDD and lead to other health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.
What Health Issues Do Cream Long Haired Dachshunds Have? What Health Issues Do Cream Long Haired Dachshunds Have?
  • Dental Issues: Due to their small mouths, Dachshunds can be prone to dental overcrowding and subsequent dental diseases.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): This degenerative eye disorder can lead to blindness. Although not as common, it's something to be aware of, especially since it can affect dogs as they age.
  • Alopecia: The cream color in Dachshunds is sometimes associated with alopecia (hair loss), although this is more of a cosmetic issue than a health concern.

Preventative care, including regular veterinary check-ups, maintaining a healthy weight, and providing a balanced diet with appropriate exercise, can help manage or prevent some of these conditions. Additionally, it's crucial to work with a reputable breeder who tests their breeding dogs for genetic conditions.

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FAQs - Cream Long Haired Dachshund

Is a Long-Haired Dachshund Purebred?

Long-haired Dachshunds are distinguished by their flowing, elegant coats. Recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), Dachshunds encompass various coat types, with long-haired varieties meeting the breed standard. Consequently, long-haired Dachshunds are deemed purebred when born from two Dachshund parents.

Is a Cream Dachshund Long Hair Good for the New Owner?

While Dachshunds possess a reputation for stubbornness and independence, they may not be the most suitable option for novice dog owners. Nevertheless, individuals who invest time in thorough research, educate themselves on canine behavior and training techniques, and enlist the guidance of a professional dog trainer can successfully navigate the challenges of owning a Dachshund, even without prior experience with dogs.

Do These Dogs Shed a Lot?

They experience shedding throughout the year, though it's relatively mild. The amount of hair Dachshunds lose is less intense, yet you may still notice their fur on your clothes.

Do Long-Haired Cream Dachshunds Bark a Lot?

If a quiet canine friend is what you desire, it's best to steer clear of the Cream Long Haired Dachshund. These charming pups are famous for their vocal nature, and it wouldn't be surprising if they relish the sound of their barks. Dachshunds excel as watchdogs, ensuring you're always aware of visitors at your door or activity in your yard.

Are English Cream Long Haired Dachshunds Good Apartment Dogs?

Due to their small size, English Cream Long Haired Dachshunds are suitable for apartment living. Nevertheless, it's necessary to remain dedicated to providing them with daily walks or trips to parks where they can frolic and exercise.

Are Long Haired English Cream Dachshunds Good Watchdogs?

Long Haired English Cream Dachshunds excel as watchdogs due to their keen alertness and penchant for barking. They'll alert you to any presence in your yard. While some Dachshunds may exhibit protective behaviors toward their families, it's important to recognize that this trait isn't always ideal.

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Cream Long Haired Dachshunds have the potential to be great friends, yet they may not suit every household. They are vocal and less compatible with young children. Therefore, they might not be the ideal choice for families. However, they can be incredibly affectionate and form strong bonds with their owners. With their larger-than-life personalities, owning a Dachshund can be a perfect experience.

Inexperienced owners can pose a challenge due to their stubborn and independent nature. They require a confident leader who possesses knowledge of effective dog training techniques. Enlisting a professional trainer's help can also help navigate the complexities of dog ownership.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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