John Switch Thu Feb 22 2024

Akita Mix With Rottweiler: All Facts You Should Know

Akita Mix With Rottweiler: All Facts You Should Know

The Akita Mix With Rottweiler is a combination of purebred Akita and purebred Rottweiler. These dogs are very loyal, devoted, and intelligent. They require lots of physical activity, mental stimulation, proper nutrition, and regular grooming to stay happy and healthy.

Suppose you intend to buy a dog or want to learn more about An Akita Mix With Rottweiler. In that case, this article will help you know all the facts about this dog breed, from its origin to appearance, personality, health issues, and training tips.


What Is an Akita Mix with Rottweiler?

As its name suggests, the Akita Rottweiler Mix, also known as the Akita Rottie, is a cross between the Akita and the Rottweiler. 

Akita Rottweilers inherit characteristics from their parents. They are muscular dogs and need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. With a loyal, intelligent, and highly protective nature, they make great companions for active individuals or families but may not be suitable for first-time dog owners.

Appropriate training and social integration will help them quickly adapt to different living environments.

Quick Facts about Akita Rottweiler Mix

    Name:     Akita Rottweiler Mix, Akita Rottie
    Height:     24 to 27 inches
    Weight:     95 to 130 pounds
    Lifespan:     9 to 12 years
    Colors:     Black, tan, fawn, brindle
    Temperament:     Loyal, intelligent, active, very protective, vigilant with strangers

Information about Parent Breeds

The Akita

Akita, a large and ancient Asian dog breed, originated in Japan. Akita was originally a hunting dog that could track and assist in catching bears. It was then trained and used as a guard dog to chase intruders away.

The Akita breed The Akita breed

Akita is a muscular dog with a height of 24 to 28 inches. It has short, thick, double-layered fur, and some Akitas can have long fur because of a recessive gene.

Akita dogs are stubborn and proud dogs, not suitable for first-time owners. It prefers to live in colder climates to other environments.

The Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a working breed dog that was bred from herding dogs left by the Roman legion of Rottweil. From the Middle Ages to 1900, butchers often took Rottweilers on dangerous shopping trips.

They are healthy dogs that stand 22 to 27 inches tall and weigh 90 to 110 pounds. This breed has rough, black fur and tan markings on its head, chest, and legs.

The Rottweiler breed The Rottweiler breed

With their intelligence and strength, Rottweilers are trained to have protective instincts and to be wary of strangers to become protectors and breeders.

Characteristics of Akita Mix with Rottweiler


Because the Rottweiler mixed with Akita is a new dog, they do not have many size standards. Based on the size of its parents, it is medium-large.

When fully grown, the Akita Rottie Mix typically stands between 24 and 27 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs between 95 and 130 pounds. Males are usually larger in size and weight than females.


The Akita Mix With Rottweiler Dog has a short to medium-length double coat. Their common coat colors are fawn, black, brindle, and fawn.

They might have blunt heads, brown eyes, a medium-sized muzzle, and erect ears that convey a watchful appearance.

Akita Mix With Rottweiler Traits Akita Mix With Rottweiler Traits

Rottweiler Akita hybrid dogs have many similarities in appearance with both parents. However, one interesting thing is that the physical characteristics of dogs inherited from parents are different and hard to predict.

How Long Can a Rottweiler Akita Mix Live?

The Rottweiler and Akita Mix can generally live from 9 to 12 years. In particular, the genes they inherit from their parents play a vital role, but many other factors, such as nutrition, living environment, and mental health, can help prolong their lifespan.

Remember, our furry friends can stay with us longer if they receive good care and lots of love.

Personality & Temperament

The Akita Mix With Rottweiler Dog is very loyal, intelligent, and alert. They are also highly protective of their owners because they have the DNA of two excellent guard dogs.

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This mixed breed has strong hunting abilities that make it a threat to smaller animals. This dog is also wary of strangers If it is not well-socialized.

However, If you start training and socializing this dog when it is young, you can control this tendency and help it become more friendly with people and other animals.

Health Concerns of Akita Mix with Rottweiler

Food and Diet

Because the Akita Mix With Rottweiler is a large dog breed, its diet is more significant than other dog breeds. You must feed your dog 3 to 4 cups of dry or equal wet food. Because of its large size, its food needs to contain a lot of protein to provide enough energy and keep it healthy.

As this breed is susceptible to hip dysplasia, you should feed them wild Alaskan salmon oil if possible. Besides, you can use glucosamine and chondroitin supplements instead to boost your furry friend's health.

Akita Mixed With Rottweiler Food Requirements Akita Mixed With Rottweiler Food Requirements

Note: Dietary intake will depend on the dog's size, age, and activity level.

When it is a puppy, you can divide the food into 3-4 meals daily. As it matures, you can reduce feeding times to twice a day. However, it would be best not to feed your Akita Rottweiler freely to avoid obesity.

Grooming & Shedding 

The Akita Rottweiler Mix dog has a short to medium coat with a double coat, which is shed year-round. Luckily, its shedding level is moderate. Brushing your dog at least three to four times a week would help reduce shedding and remove tangles or mats from the dog's coat.

Besides that, you need to check their ears regularly, brush their teeth two or three times a week, and make sure to trim their nails every 6 to 8 weeks.

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These tips will help keep your furry friend clean and healthy, preventing disease.


The Akita Mix With Rottweiler is an active dog breed, so it needs a lot of exercise to be healthy, happy, and not bored.

As your dog matures, he will need at least 90 minutes of exercise every day. You can take it for walks, hikes, and let it play sports like agility trials, flyball, and races. These will help satisfy it with the level of energy it has.

Besides, training and socialization should be an essential part of their exercise routine.

Note: Because it needs a large yard to run around to exercise and release energy, an apartment is not the ideal living environment for this hybrid dog breed.


This hybrid dog breed is intelligent and alert, so you can start socialization and training exercises as soon as the puppy is old enough to understand and obey.

Rottweiler Mixed With Akita Training Rottweiler Mixed With Akita Training

However, it is a stubborn dog, so you will encounter many difficulties when training it. Especially for those who own a dog for the first time, it will overwhelm you if you are not steady and confident enough. People who have experience training large, stubborn dogs will be the perfect owners of an Akita Rottweiler Mix. 

You should note that it will thrive if trained with positive reinforcement and does not react negatively to harsh corrections.

Common Health Problems

Overall, Akita Rottweiler Mixes are healthy dogs. They are mixed breeds, so they can be susceptible to health problems from both parent breeds.

The Akita Mix With Rottweiler Dog is ​​known for health issues, including:

  • Hip and Elbow Dysplasia 
  • Allergies 
  • Hyperthyroidism 
  • Autoimmune Thyroiditis 
  • Juvenile laryngeal paralysis and polyneuropathy 
  • Eye problems

Note: If you have any concerns about the health conditions your pet is susceptible to, we strongly recommend that you should meet your animal's breeder or veterinarian. They will be able to provide you with as much accurate and helpful information as possible.

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Is an Akita Mix with Rottweiler Good for Children?

Akita and Rottweiler Mixes are very friendly with children, especially if they are raised and developed together. However, predicting how this hybrid dog will react around unfamiliar children is difficult. Therefore, you should not leave your dog alone with children without supervision to ensure safety.

If they are older children, they can play with these dogs with a low risk of injury.

Does an Akita Mix with Rottweiler Bark a Lot?

No. The Akita Rottweiler is a quiet dog breed because its parents seldom bark. There is usually a good reason if your Rottweiler Akita Mix is ​​barking.

Akita dogs are known to be calm and quiet. They rarely bark unless there is a reason. Rotties are also silent dogs, so it will be difficult for you to hear them barking. Because these dogs tend to react quietly to whatever happens in their environment.

How Much Does an Akita Rottweiler Dog Breed Cost?

The price of an Akita Rottweiler dog is about USD 700 to USD 2000. However, the price depends on many factors, such as location, physical characteristics, weight of breeders near you, and others.

In addition, you will spend about USD 500 - 1200 for initial costs when adopting a Rottweiler Akita Mix puppy, such as crates, beds, bowls, foods, leashes, collars, toys, health checks, and vaccines...

Does an Akita Rottweiler Mix Dog Get Along with Other Pets?

Akita Rottweiler Mixes can be great friends with other pets or animals if they are properly trained and socialized. Since Akita Rotties are highly protective, socializing and training them at a young age will help them become more friendly with other animals.

Since they still have a high hunting instinct, you must be careful when letting them around cats and smaller dogs. Socializing is the only way to limit your Akita and Rottweiler Mix from attacking other pets and small animals in the family.

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The Akita Mix With Rottweiler is ​​a dog breed developed by crossing two Akita breeds with a purebred Rottweiler. These dogs are loyal, intelligent, brave, and full of energy. This breed is very protective and wary of strangers. Therefore, to get along well with children and other animals, you should train and socialize your pet correctly when it is a puppy.

In short, they are a great choice for you and your family if you are looking for a loyal guard dog. It would be an excellent addition to active families, older children, or single-person homes.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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