John Switch Wed Feb 28 2024

Barbet Puppies: Dog Breed Information and Pictures

Barbet Puppies: Dog Breed Information and Pictures

Are you planning to raise Barbet puppies but need to know if it's right for you? The Barbets are medium-sized birding dogs known for their distinctive, curly coat and whiskers. These dogs are sweet, lovable, intelligent, and easy to train, making them great companions.

This article will discuss all the information about this dog breed, from its appearance to temperament, lifespan, care, health problems, training tips, etc.

Reading this article to learn more about Barbet puppies!

History of Barbet Puppies

Barbet Puppies originated in France and are closely related to poodles and poodles. They are believed to be one of the oldest water dog breeds in Europe, originating in medieval times.

Barbets hunt birds and waterfowl. Their feet have webbed feet that help them chase birds in mud and water, so they are also nicknamed "mud dogs". Meanwhile, their real name, "Barbet", is derived from the French word "barbe", meaning "beard". The name refers to the breed's distinctive facial hair.

With good swimming ability and hunting skills, Barbet dogs were popular in France in the 16th century and favored by the upper class and royalty to hunt waterfowl. They were also used as farm dogs, assisting with herding and performing other tasks.

Barbet Puppies Barbet Puppies

After the World War, this breed was almost extinct. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, they successfully revived this Barbet breed in the mid-20th century. However, they are still scarce and have attracted much love for their friendly nature, intelligence, and versatility.

Barbet Puppies are a new dog breed that has been recognized by the American Kennel Club. They were classified into the sporting group by the AKC in 2020.

Characteristics of Barbet Puppies

Quick Overview

    Name:      Barbet, Water Dog, Mud Dog,
    Height:     20 to 25 inches
    Weight:     37 to 62 pounds
    Lifespan:     13 to 15 years
    Colors:     Black, brown, gray, fawn, and some white markings
    Temperament:      Loyal, intelligent, calm, devoted, obedient, joyful

Temperament & Personality of Barbet Puppies

Barbet Dog Puppies are known for their friendly and easygoing personalities. They often get along well with children and other animals. They enjoy the company of both human family members and other dogs.

Barbets are intelligent dogs, learn quickly and always know how to please their owners. Barbet puppies always know how to take advantage of their cuteness and sad eyes to receive approval from their owners.

Temperament and personality of Barbet Puppies Temperament and personality of Barbet Puppies

They are also very affectionate and attached to their owners and families. They often want to talk, play, be close to their owners and like to be cuddled and caressed. Therefore, these dogs easily feel anxious when locked up or alone for many hours. If you have a job that requires you to be outside for long periods, Barbet puppies may not be for you.

Additionally, they also have a vigilant and protective personality. They can warn the owner when they detect any strange sounds or the appearance of strangers.

These puppies are highly adaptable and can live well in many different living environments, from apartments to houses with large yards. They need adequate exercise and mental stimulation.

What You Need to Know When Caring for Barbet Puppies

Grooming Needs

Barbet puppies have exceptionally long, thick, and curly fur. With this characteristic, they need to be brushed daily. Otherwise, the coat will quickly become tangled, matted and accumulate debris. You should use dog conditioner daily and dilute it with water to make it easier to detangle. Gently brush your puppy's coat and use your fingers to remove any mats or tangles.

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You must bathe them once a month and use dog wipes to help remove dirt, hair, and odors. It would be ideal to brush their teeth every day, but at least once a week, to prevent dental problems.

Plus, these puppies also must have their ears checked regularly. You need to gently remove wax or debris buildup with a soft cotton cloth. If you discover that their ears are red, inflamed, or have a foul odor, take them to the veterinarian for the best advice because these are manifestations of infection.

Note: if you do not know how to groom properly, you should hire a professional manicurist to bathe, brush and clean their ears.

Nutrient Needs

Each Barbet's diet is different. The food needs depend on the dog's size, weight, age, medical history, activity level, metabolism and other health factors.

Generally, you can feed these dogs 1.5 to 2 cups of dry or wet food daily. You should feed them high-quality, protein-rich food so they can stay happy and healthy. You should provide them with supplemental oils, especially omega-3, to help keep their fur healthy and prevent their skin from drying out.

Nutrient needs for Barbet Dog Puppy Nutrient needs for Barbet Dog Puppy

Moreover, you should divide the food for Barbet puppies into 3-4 meals per day. When they are adults, reduce feeding times to twice a day.

However, you should not let your dog eat freely to avoid obesity. See a veterinarian who will help you determine your dog's specific nutritional needs.

Exercise Needs

Barbet puppies are highly energetic athletic dogs, so they need exercise and mental stimulation more than other dog breeds.

These dogs must walk, run and hike for at least two hours daily to burn off their excess energy. Besides, it would help if you let them play agility games, puzzles, interactive games, and search games to meet physical and mental exercise needs.

As water dogs, these puppies have a natural love of water. Therefore, you should let them swim and play in the water.

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Because Barbet puppies are intelligent, they are also quite stubborn. Positive reinforcement will be more effective with them than threats or punishment.

Although affectionate and loyal to their owners, they can be unfriendly with strangers. Therefore, obedience training and proper socialization are essential.

Common Health Problems

Barbet puppies are generally a healthy breed, but they can still experience some specific health issues. It's essential to recognize the symptoms of health problems, so this knowledge will help you promptly find excellent and reasonable treatment solutions for them. Here are some common diseases in this breed that you should pay attention to:

  • Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a condition where the hip joint fails to develop properly, resulting in arthritis and difficulties in mobility. Responsible breeders conduct screenings on their breeding dogs to mitigate the likelihood of passing this condition to their offspring.
  • Elbow Dysplasia: Similar to hip dysplasia but affecting the elbows, elbow dysplasia can lead to lameness and discomfort. Breeders also screen for this condition in their breeding dogs to minimize its inheritance.
Common health problems in Barbet Puppyv Common health problems in Barbet Puppy
  • Autoimmune Disorders: Certain Barbets may exhibit susceptibility to autoimmune disorders, such as autoimmune thyroiditis. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to identify and manage these potential conditions.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): PRA includes a group of inherited eye disorders that can gradually lead to blindness. Breeders must test their dogs for PRA to diminish the risk of passing on this genetic trait.
  • Cataracts: Barbet Puppies may develop cataracts, resulting in impaired vision or blindness. Regular eye exams performed by a veterinary ophthalmologist are crucial for diagnosing and monitoring this condition.
  • Heat Sensitivity: Because of their dense, curly coats, Barbet Dogs can be sensitive to heat. They are susceptible to heatstroke in hot weather, underscoring the importance of providing shade and adequate water during rising temperatures.

Recommended Health Tests for This Breed

  • Hip Evaluation
  • Elbow Evaluation
  • Ophthalmologist Evaluation

You can't always control everything that happens to your Barbet puppies, but you can try to be proactive in caring for their health. If you suspect they have health problems, you should take them to a veterinarian for the best support and advice.

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FAQs: Barbet Puppies

What Are Barbet Puppies?

Barbet puppies are a breed of water dog that originated in France. They were initially bred to hunt birds and waterfowl. They are medium-sized dogs with distinctive thick, curly coats and webbed feet.

How Much Does a Barbet Dog Cost?

The average price for a Barbet puppy is $2,000. The cost of a dog puppy will vary, depending on weight, gender, appearance, health, number of breeders there, and so on.

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Barbet puppies are water dogs with distinctive curly hair and webbed feet, bred to help hunt birds and waterfowl. They are usually affectionate, loyal, intelligent, and easy to train. At the same time, they are also friendly with children and other pets. These make them great companions for families and individuals.

These puppies are highly energetic and have curly, dense coats. Therefore, you must satisfy their high-maintenance grooming, training, and physical and mental exercise needs before adopting a Barbet puppy.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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