John Switch Wed Feb 28 2024

All Things About Australian Shepherd Short Hair 

All Things About Australian Shepherd Short Hair 

Most of us know Australian Shepherds with long hair. But did you know that there is an Australian Shepherd Short Hair breed?

The short-haired Australian Shepherd has many of the same characteristics as the long-haired one. However, the difference between these two dog breeds is that short-haired Australian Shepherds are blessed with differentiating short fur.

What does the Short-haired Australian Shepherd look like? How do you take care of this breed? Reading this article to answer all your questions about this breed, from its appearance to temperament, lifespan, health problems, caring, training tips, etc.


Quick Facts: Australian Shepherd Short Hair 

    Name:      Australian Shepherd Short Hair, Spanish Shepherd, Pastor dogs, BobTails, New Mexican        Shepherds, California Shepherds, Short-haired Aussie.
    Height:     18 – 23 inches
    Weight:     35 to 75 pounds
    Lifespan:      12 – 16 years
    Colors:     Blue, gray, black, and white
    Temperament:      Intelligent, energetic, friendly, and affectionate

How Does an Australian Shepherd Short Hair Look Like?

Size & Weight

According to the American Kennel Club, the Australian Shepherd short hair is a medium-sized dog. It can weigh from 35 to 75 pounds and is 18 to 23 inches tall. 


As the name suggests, the short hair Australian Shepherd has a shorter, thinner, and flatter coat than the standard coat of a long-haired Australian Shepherd. It is this characteristic that helps this dog become more different than usual.

Except for the coat, short-haired Australian Shepherds look more like long-haired dogs. Its coat color comes in various colors such as black, red, red merle, blue merle, or two- and three-color combinations of these colors.

All Things About Australian Shepherd Short Hair Australian Shepherd Short Hair physical traits

It has physical traits such as a well-muscled build, a deep chest, a straight back, strong legs, and a bone structure suited to its physical activity. 

This dog's head is medium-sized, with relatively long and high ears. Usually, it will have dark brown or blue eyes. However, some short-haired Australian Shepherds have eyes of two different colors.

Life Expectancy 

Australian Shepherd short hair can live about 12 to 16 years. Besides genetic factors, important factors that affect its lifespan, such as nutrition, living environment, and mental health.

You should note that proper care and attention from you and your family will help this furry friend prolong their lifespan.

What Is Short Hair Australian Shepherd Personality Like?

The Australian Shepherd short hair is an intelligent, active, and active dog breed. Therefore, if this dog does not get enough exercise, it can cause destructive behavior.

This breed is loyal and will devotedly protect its owner and family. It is also friendly and affectionate with its owner but tends to be wary of strangers. However, it can get along with children and other pets if it receives proper training and socialization at a young age.

Short Hair Australian Shepherd Temperament Traits Short Hair Australian Shepherd Temperament Traits

Generally, the temperament of the short-haired Australian Shepherd is no different from that of the long-haired Australian Shepherd.

Is an Australian Shepherd Short Hair Prone to Health Issues?

The Australian Shepherd short hair is generally a healthy breed, but it can still face some specific health problems. Learning the health problems that this breed of dog often encounters will help you recognize them and treat them properly and reasonably.

Here are some common diseases in this breed that you should pay attention to:

Elbow and Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a health condition in which the ball and socket of a dog's hip joint are misaligned, causing severe pain when it moves. You should give your dog enough exercise and activity to prevent this problem.

Bloat: Bloat means food or gas causes your dog's stomach to swell, causing stomach pain. This situation often occurs in large or deep-chested dogs. Common symptoms of this disease are restlessness, pacing, drooling, and an enlarged abdomen.

Short Hair Australian Shepherd health conditions Short Hair Australian Shepherd health conditions

Ear infection: It is a common health problem in all dogs, especially those with fluffy ears like Australian Shepherds. Symptoms may include shaking, scratching, and foul-smelling discharge from the dog's ears.

Allergies: Short-haired Australian Shepherds can be allergic to pollen, dust, and some foods. Common symptoms of this disease are itching, scratching, rashes, and hair loss.

Cancer: This is the worst disease that no one wants because it is one of the leading causes of death in Australian short-haired shepherds, as well as other breeds. It is susceptible to different types of cancer, some of which are treatable.

You can't always control everything that happens to your short-haired Australian Shepherd, but you can try to be proactive in taking care of its health. If you suspect it has health problems, you should take it to a veterinarian for the best support and advice.

How to Take Care of an Australian Shepherd Short Hair?

Grooming Requirements

Fortunately, the short-haired Australian Shepherd sheds less hair than the long-haired Australian Shepherd, and has short and thin dog fur. Therefore, this dog does not require high grooming.

However, you must brush your short-haired Aussie at least once weekly to limit matted, tangled, and out-of-control conditions. Before brushing, use a dog hair conditioner and dilute it with water to make it easier to detangle. You can brush it with a pin brush, comb, and epilator.

It needs to be bathed once a month, and you should use a dog wipe to help remove dirt, dead hair, and odors.

The Australian Shepherd Short Hair has Low Grooming The Australian Shepherd Short Hair has Low Grooming

Furthermore, its ears need to be cleaned once a week. You must regularly brush its teeth and trim its nails regularly.

Note: If you do not groom properly, hire a professional manicurist to bathe, brush, and trim your dog's nails.

Diet Requirements 

The food requirements of each Australian Shepherd short hair are different. It will vary depending on size, weight, age, medical history, coat and skin condition, metabolism, and other health factors.

However, a nutritionally balanced diet is necessary to keep your dog happy and healthy. Minerals, healthy fats, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins are essential nutrients in a dog's meals.

Diet Needs of Australian Shepherd short hair   Diet Needs of Australian Shepherd short hair  

After nine months, you can feed it 4 to 5 cups of dry or wet food daily. You should divide its food intake into 3-4 meals per day when it is a puppy. If it is mature, reduce feeding times to twice a day.

However, you should not let your dog eat freely to avoid obesity. See a veterinarian who will help you determine your dog's specific nutritional needs if possible.

Exercise & Training

Short hair Australian Shepherds were initially bred to work and herd livestock on farms. This dog has a high energy level, and needs 60 to 90 minutes of daily physical activity to stay healthy and happy.

This breed loves to walk, run, hike, play frisbee, and play agility games because these activities will help it burn excess energy.

Short-Haired Australian Shepherd Exercise & Training Short-Haired Australian Shepherd Exercise & Training

Australian Shepherd short hair also needs mental stimulation. Your short-furred friend will have more fun by playing fetch, puzzle toys, therapy mats, and other mental activities.

Positive reinforcement training is more effective with the short-haired Australian Shepherd than threats and punishment. You can reward it with treats, praise, and playtime for good behavior, motivating it to learn and repeat desired actions.

Additionally, it tends to be wary of strangers, so you should socialize as soon as possible.

Owners should know that it is susceptible to boredom and destructive behavior if not given adequate exercise and mental stimulation.

Living Conditions

The Australian Shepherd short hair has a lot of energy and loves physical activities and exercise. Unsurprisingly, it likes to live in spacious places with large yards to be free to move, play, and expend energy.

Although this trait makes it unsuitable for apartment living, the short-haired Australian Shepherd may still adapt with proper training. The Australian Shepherd with short hair would be the best choice for active individuals or families.

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FAQs: Australian Shepherd Short Hair 

Is a Short Hair Australian Shepherd Rare?

Not really. Short-haired Australian Shepherds exist and are not too rare but not as common as long-haired Australian Shepherds.

In many cases, Australian Shepherd puppies will have short coats at birth that eventually grow into longer fur. Therefore, when it is young, you cannot distinguish whether it is a real Australian Shorthair, but you must wait until the dog is an adult.

How Much Does a Short-Haired Australian Shepherd Cost?

The price for a short-haired Aussies puppy can range from $500 to $1,500. Prices will vary depending on weight, gender, appearance, health, geographical area, number of breeders, etc.

Is an Australian Shepherd Short Hair Hypoallergenic?

No. The Australian Shepherd Dogs with short hair are hypoallergenic. While they may not shed much, they still shed enough to cause allergies in people who are sensitive to dog hair.

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Final Thought

The short-haired Australian Shepherd has characteristics similar to other Australian dog breeds, and it just has a shorter coat!

Even though the coat is short, it must be brushed regularly to prevent tangling and matting. It has high physical and mental activity demands and responds only to positive reinforcement.

These herding dogs make wonderful pets and loving companions for you and your family. In particular, it will be a great choice if you and your family love being active.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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