John Switch Mon Feb 26 2024

Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs: Top 10 Reasons

Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs: Top 10 Reasons

Beagles are intelligent and complex dogs. Many people consider them bad dogs because of their mischievous, stubborn, independent personalities and destructive behaviors.

If you have yet to experience dogs, Beagles are probably not for you. You will spend a lot of time, effort, and patience to train and integrate into society. Reading this article, you can better understand why Beagles are the worst dogs.

Beagles History

Beagles originated in England about 1500 years ago and are considered one of the oldest dog breeds. They were bred from hunting breeds and used as small hunting dogs to track rabbits.

Beagles were then developed in America and became popular in North America in the late 19th century. Today, they still play a vital role in hunting but are better known as companion dogs.

The Beagles The Beagles

In 1885, this breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club.

10 Reasons Why Beagles Are the Worst Dogs

Not Enough Exercise

Beagles are high-energy dogs. If they don't get enough physical exercise and mental stimulation, they will become bored and cause destructive behavior in their owners.

They require 45 minutes to 1 hour of exercise every day. You should take them for walks and runs. Moreover, they need to participate in fun activities such as fetching games, balloons, and puzzle toys so they stay happy and healthy.

Why are Beagles so Bad Beagles require daily exercises

If you are too busy and don't have enough time to let them exercise and play, choose another dog breed. This is because Beagles are quickly sad and will cause you a lot of trouble.

Lack of Socialization

Socialization is necessary for Beagles because they can explore and acquaint themselves with new people, new places, and different situations.

They become fearful and aggressive towards strange people and places when they lack social integration. One of the most obvious signs is that they bark loudly, making the owner feel uncomfortable and consider them the worst dog.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is one of the reasons why Beagles are the worst dogs. The cause of this issue is a lack of social integration, exercise, and attention from the owner and family.

Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs Top 10 Reasons The Beagle is sad and anxious

If you abandon them and lock them in a small space for many hours, they will feel anxious and lonely. Common signs of separation anxiety are that they will dig holes, chew things and start howling.

Biting Tendency in Beagle Puppies

When Beagle puppies reach the age of growing teeth, they tend to chew and bite everything around them, such as slippers, shoes, socks, clothes, toys, and more. The problem causes many owners to rate them as the worst dog breeds.

Why Beagles Are The Worst Dogs Top 10 Reasons Biting tendency in Beagle puppies

However, this is not a bad habit but an instinct commonly found in puppies.

Lack of Strong Bond between You and Beagles

Building a close relationship is essential between you and your Beagles. Without this strong bond, Beagles will quickly fall into loneliness and separation anxiety. In addition, it will also be difficult for you to make them obey your commands.

To build a strong bond with your Beagles, you should use positive reinforcement instead of threats or punishment to train these dogs. Plus, it would help if you spent a lot of time playing and interacting with them. These things make them excellent and well-adjusted dogs.

Stubborn Personality

Beagles were originally bred for hunting, so stubbornness is a common personality trait. The owners will encounter many difficulties and have to spend a lot of time and effort to train them. These are what make many people judge them as bad dogs.

Why Beagles are bad dogs Why Beagles are bad dogs

The way to solve this problem is to start training them as soon as possible, the first day you bring them home. You should use positive reinforcement while remaining consistent during training.

Unnecessary Loud Barking

Beagles bark loudly and a lot. They contain a lot of energy, so they must burn off excess energy by barking and running. However, this excessive barking has caused discomfort and fatigue for owners, neighbors, and even passersby. This problem is the main reason why Beagles are the worst dogs in the eyes of dog lovers.

Beagles Theft Food

Beagles love food, and they tend to steal food regardless of whether they are hungry or have just been fed. The habit of stealing food has caused many troubles for owners. It also triggers the habit of stealing things in the house, such as shirts, shoes, pens, and even important documents.

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Jumping on People

One behavior problem that many people don't like is that Beagles love to jump on others. This tendency happens when they feel excited, interested, curious about these people, or simply out of boredom when they need to release energy.

Jumping on people causes many potential dangers. Especially for people who are afraid of dogs, they may be startled, fall, and even faint.


Beagles have short, smooth fur, but they shed a lot. Shedding is another reason why Beagles are the worst dogs.

If you want to adopt this dog breed, you must accept that a lot of hair will fall around the house, and you will need to clean the house more often. You must brush them daily to remove dead hair and stimulate new growth.

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FAQ: Why Beagles Are the Worst Dogs?

Why Beagles Are Bad Dogs to Live in an Apartment?

Beagles are not suitable for living in apartments. They are highly energetic and need a lot of space to run and exercise. In addition, they bark a lot, which causes a nuisance to you and your neighbors. Finally, they have strong hunting instincts and tend to chase small animals they see.

Why Do People Think Beagle Is So Dramatic?

People think that Beagles are dramatic. The reason why Beagles are more dramatic than other dogs is because they are highly active.

They were initially bred to be hunting dogs, so they have a lot of energy and a high hunting instinct. In addition, Beagles are also independent and stubborn, so they cause many difficulties for owners when training. These characteristics can add to the “drama” about them.

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Final Thought 

As you read above, there are ten main reasons why Beagles are the worst dogs. If you intend to get a Beagle breed, are they right for you?

Beagles may be right for you if you can handle their physical and mental exercise. They need a large space to exercise and play to release their energy. They do not like being locked up and left alone for a long time. Otherwise, they will become anxious and aggressive, bark loudly, and exhibit destructive behavior.

The Beagle can become a great companion if you are patient enough and willing to invest time and effort in them.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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