John Switch Sun Jan 21 2024

Whippet Pitbull Mix: Should You Get A Pet For A Family Pet?

Whippet Pitbull Mix: Should You Get A Pet For A Family Pet?

Are you thinking of getting a Whippet Pitbull mix as a family pet? Explore this guide for information about their temperament, care requirements, and compatibility with a family environment. Examine whether this unusual combination fits your lifestyle and interests for a rewarding and peaceful pet ownership experience.


Overview of Whippet Pitbull Mix

The Whippet Pitbull mix, often known as a Pippet, combines the grace of the Whippet with the strength of the Pitbull. While their origin is unknown because they are a designer breed, their appearance is distinguished by a sleek, muscular frame with a short coat.

Overview of Whippet Pitbull Mix Overview of Whippet Pitbull Mix

These dogs have characteristics of both parent breeds, which make them nimble, clever, and loyal. Their distinct combination of characteristics makes them adaptable and well-suited to a variety of activities, including companionship, agility, and family life.

What Does a Whippet Pitbull Mix Look Like?

A Whippet Pitbull mix, sometimes known as a Pippet, has a sleek, muscular body. Their look blends the grace of the Whippet with the strength of the Pitbull.


Pippets often stand between 18 and 22 inches at the shoulder, representing the Whippet's medium stature and the Pitbull's more compact physique. Individual genetics and the specific features inherited from each parent breed may cause height variation.


A Whippet Pitbull mix can weigh between 25 and 60 pounds. This weight variance is determined by factors such as genetics, nutrition, and activity. Pitbull has a well-balanced and athletic build, combining the grace of the Whippet with the robustness of the Pitbull.

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The Whippet Pitbull mix comes in many colors. Some common coat colors are white, blue, brindle, and fawn.

Some might have a uniform coat, while others might have a mix of colors. Because they are related to Pit Bulls, their coats are usually short and shiny. Their thin, athletic build and unique traits, like a long, tapering tail and expressive eyes, are partly due to their Whippet heritage.

Temperament & Personality of Whippet Pitbull Mix

The Whippet Pitbull mix gets a mix of the unpredictable traits of its parents, the Whippet and the Pitbull. Most of the time, they are known for being loving and loyal.

They are smart and active, and they can be gentle or playful. This mix usually does well with other dogs and people, and it may be nice to family members and other pets.

Whippet Pitbull Mix Should You Get A Pet For A Family Pet The temperature of Whippet and Pitbull mix

A Whippet Pitbull mix can be friendly, interested, and flexible, which means they can live in a variety of places.

Because they are smart, they are easy to train, and they may do well in tasks that use both their minds and bodies. As a sign of how loving and loyal they are, puppets often look out for their families.

Are Whippet Pitbull Mixes Suitable for Your Family?

Yes, Whippet Pitbull mixes can be great family dogs if they are socialized, trained, and given limits. It depends on the dog. Smaller dogs that look like Whippets get along great with smaller children, while bigger dogs that look like Pitbulls might be too rough.

Is the Pitbull Whippet mix suitable for family pets? Is the Pitbull Whippet mix suitable for family pets?

Also, they need a lot of exercise because they are very busy dogs. A safe yard would be best for them to run around in, but if you live in an apartment, lots of walks could do the job.

Whippet Pitbull Mix Care Concerns

Food & Diet

Making sure that a Whippet Pitbull mix has a healthy diet is very important for its health. Take these tips into account:

  • Quality Dog Food: Give your dog high-quality food that is well-balanced and right for their size, age, and level of exercise.
  • Protein-Rich Diet: Because dogs are active, choose food with a moderate to high protein level to help their muscles grow.
  • Regular Feeding plan: Set a regular feeding plan to keep their digestive health in good shape and keep them from getting fat.
  • Controlling Portion Sizes: Keep an eye on portion sizes to keep a healthy weight and avoid eating too much.
  • Hydration: Make sure they always have access to clean water to stay refreshed, especially after working out.

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It is very important to take care of the Whippet Pitbull mix's coat and general health. For grooming, here is a list:

  • Brushing: To keep their short coat from losing, brush it often to get rid of loose hair.
  • Bathing: Use a light dog shampoo to bathe them as needed, which is usually every 4 to 6 weeks or when they get dirty.
  • Cleaning Their Ears: Especially if they have floppy ears, check and clean their ears often to keep them from getting illnesses.
  • Nail Trimming: Make sure their nails are cut to a length that doesn't hurt or get in the way of their walking.
  • Tooth Care: To keep their mouths healthy, brush their teeth every day and give them tooth chews or toys.
  • Eye Care: Clean the area around their eyes to keep them from getting tear stains, and look for any signs of irritation or illness.


The Whippet Pitbull mix is a high-energy hybrid that require regular exercise to keep happy and healthy. Aim for 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity per day.

  • Some Practice: Whippets are well-known for their speed, while Pitbulls are excellent runners. Participate in vigorous jogging workouts with them.
Some exercises for Whippet Pitbull mix Some exercises for Whippet Pitbull mix
  • Fetch: Combine their passion for running with a fetch game. This engaging exercise also stimulates the mind. Set up an agility course to test their intelligence and develop their physical coordination.


Whippet Pitbull mixes benefit immensely from early training and socializing, especially between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks. During these weeks, puppies will absorb everything they are exposed to, learning what is normal and how to be a dog. Heavier puppies who take after large Pitbulls require early leash training to avoid tugging when they're huge and bulky—avoid this at all costs.

Obedience is also essential. You can begin by teaching your dog their name and then advance to simple commands such as sit, stay, and come, which are also essential for safety. For example, if there is a fire in your house, you want your dog to come running when you call. If they demonstrate an aptitude for it, certain Whippet Pitbull mixes can progress to more complicated agility work or hunting.

Common Health Issues of Whippet Pitbull Mix

Like all mixed types, the Whippet Pitbull mix can cause health problems for both of its parents. Even though every dog is different, these health issues may be common in this mix:

  • Hip Dysplasia: Whippets might be more likely to get hip dysplasia, a genetic disease that affects the hip joints.
  • Heart Problems: Whippets have a history of heart problems, and these problems may be passed on to the mix.
  • Skin Sensitivities: Whippets often have sensitive skin, which is something to think about if you want to get a Whippet Pitbull Mix.
Common issues for Pitbull and Whippet mix Common issues for Pitbull and Whippet mix
  • Health Problems with the Eyes: Both types may be more likely to have eye problems like cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy.
  • Joint Problems: Having joint problems, like arthritis, can be a problem, especially as they get older.

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Whippet Pitbull Mix?

The average life span for a Whippet Pitbull mix is 10 to 15 years. Their genes, what they eat, and how much they work out can all change this. They could have health issues that shorten their life, like heart disease or joint pain. To make them live longer and healthier, feed them well, make sure they exercise regularly, and keep their minds busy. Take them to the vet often to get shots and medicine to keep bugs away.

How Much Is the Price of a Whippet Pitbull Mix?

A Whippet Pitbull mix's price depends on several things. A puppy can cost anywhere from $200 to $500, but it depends on where the breeder is located, how old the puppy is, and how well-known the breeder is.

It's smart to pick a breeder who can show you health records for both the dog and its parents. But getting a puppy isn't the only cost. Food, vet bills, cleaning, and pet insurance are some of the other costs.

Adoption is a great substitute for purchasing from a breeder. Adoption fees for a Whippet Pitbull from a rescue center vary, but they are usually less than those charged by a breeder. Keep in mind that owning a pet is a long-term commitment, and the first investment is only the beginning.

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With proper care and training, the Whippet Pitbull mix can make an excellent family pet. Take into account its energy levels, activity requirements, and compatibility with your lifestyle. This combination could be a terrific addition if you have an active family that can provide love, attention, and frequent exercise.

To ensure a harmonious fit, individual temperaments, socialization, and training requirements must be assessed. Before getting a pet, always do your homework and think about your family's capacities.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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