John Switch Tue Jan 16 2024

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix: The Ultimate Evaluation

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix: The Ultimate Evaluation

If you're searching for an affectionate and loyal companion, consider the Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix. This active and friendly crossbreed is intelligent, creating a spunky personality that loves to play and excels as a guard dog. Whether chasing toys or cuddling on your lap, this breed ensures everyone in your family feels loved, making them the perfect energetic four-legged buddy who will always have your back.


Overview of Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is a hybrid of the Rat Terrier and Pitbull breeds, combines the loyalty and amiability of its parent breeds. Possessing outstanding hunting instincts, this mix showcases athleticism and intelligence inherited from both sides. Renowned for their companionship and guarding capabilities, they balance being headstrong and sweet-natured.

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is a hybrid of the Rat Terrier and Pitbull breeds  Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is a hybrid of the Rat Terrier and Pitbull breeds

Characterized by low-maintenance and ease of grooming, these dogs don't demand extensive playtime due to their size, yet harbor a strong prey drive. While Pitbull parents influence their stubbornness, their easy-going nature prevails, making them adaptable companions.

Genetic variability is crucial in shaping their features, and the predominant parent usually determines their characteristics. Despite supporting studies, predicting the exact traits they inherit remains uncertain. The Pit Bull Rat Terrier mix yields a charming, loyal companion with a mix of physical prowess and affectionate temperament, making them a distinctive addition to households.

What Does a Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix Look Like?

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix has a unique canine blend that exhibits a varied yet distinctive appearance influenced by the physical traits of its Rat Terrier and Pitbull parents.


The look of a Rat Terrier and Pitbull mix can vary, leaning towards one parent based on dominant genes. Usually, they take after the physical traits of the Pitbull parent, displaying squarish faces with broad jaws and slender bodies featuring muscular chests.

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Height & Weight

The Pit Bull Rat Terrier mix suits apartment living by weighing 20 to 65 pounds and standing 14 to 16 inches tall. The mix's size is uncertain, with Pitbulls being medium-sized and Rat Terriers spanning small to medium. The outcome depends on the health and physique of the parents, making it hard to predict their exact size.


Pitbulls flaunt various colors like black, brown, and brindle, while Rat Terriers come in black, tan, white, tan-orange, or chocolate. Expect the mix to showcase these hues, inheriting the silky, short hair and single-layered coat characteristic of both parent breeds.

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix's appearance features a muscular build and squarish face  Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix's appearance features a muscular build and squarish face

Temperature & Personality of Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix

Rat Terrier Pit Bull Mix has a unique temperament, combining the Rat Terrier's intelligence and loyalty with the American Pit Bull Terrier's assertiveness and affection for people.

  • Active and friendly nature: Described as active, friendly, and eager to please, these pups thrive in play and are devoted to making their owners happy. With consistent training and socialization, they prove excellent with children and other animals.
  • Protective guardians: Their protective instincts make them exceptional guard dogs, ensuring your family's safety. Known for their loving and devoted nature, aggression is unlikely, but they may display strong-willed traits, requiring consistent training to establish their place in the family.
  • Love and attention: While loyal and strong, these dogs thrive on love and attention. Therefore, they need daily exercise, mental stimulation, and cuddles to flourish.

Is Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix Suitable for a Family Pet?

The Rat Terrier Pit mix is a great family pet. They are playful and easy-going, especially with children. They also enjoy catching and thriving on attention, showing destructive behavior when ignored for too long. Prone to separation anxiety, they may chew as a coping mechanism or to grab your attention.

With intelligent parents, they're easily trainable, displaying obedience and eagerness to learn. However, their high prey drive inherited from both parents makes them less compatible with smaller animals. Despite this, they make excellent companions during walks, serve as watchdogs, and are socially active, making it easy for you to engage them in play. Their playful nature, trainability, and sociability make them a fitting addition to family life.

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix Care Concerns

Caring for a Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix involves addressing specific concerns to ensure their well-being.

Food & Diet

When feeding a Pit Rat Terrier, steer clear of grain-filled diets to avoid dental problems. Skip the cheap dog foods, as they might not have all the right nutrients your pup needs. Adult Rat Terriers eat ½ to 1 ½ cups daily, while adult Pitbulls have two meals totaling two to 2 ⅔ cups daily. Your mix may munch on 1 to 2 cups, depending on size.

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Dogs have different diets, so consult a vet to figure out what's safe and how much to feed. Fish oils are great for fur and skin health, and omega-3 and fatty acid supplements can prevent skin allergies, heart issues, and infections. A balanced, vet-approved diet keeps your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix healthy and happy.


Keeping your Rat Terrier Pit Bull mix's coat sleek involves regular combing and brushing with a high-quality slicker brush. This minimizes shedding and keeps dander in check. Brush in the direction of their hair growth for best results. Baths every six weeks work, but beware—these pups aren't water fans.

To maintain oral health, brush their teeth three times weekly, preventing bacterial infections and bad breath. Ears need a weekly check and clean. Look out for redness or strange smells, catching any infections early. Simple and regular grooming routines help your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix stay clean and healthy, ensuring they're comfy and content.

Training & Exercise

When you bring your Rat Terrier Pit Mix home, show them you're the leader early on—it makes training easier. Involve everyone in the family to help guide them.

Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix: The Ultimate Evaluation The Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is a loyal, intelligent, and adaptable canine companion

These dogs like rules—they feel safe with clear limits. They adapt quickly and are obedient to good teaching. Surprisingly, they don't need tons of activity like bigger dogs. About 40 minutes of daily walks or agility training is usually plenty for them. Please keep it simple and consistent, and your Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix will thrive with a happy and healthy lifestyle.

What Are Common Health Issues in Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix?

Understanding the common health issues in a Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix is essential for adopting the most effective care methods for this unique hybrid breed.

Common Issue

The following are some health-related issues that may affect a Rat Terrier’s well-being and lifespan.

  • Skin problems: The most prevalent health concern for Rat Terrier and Pitbull mix is skin-related, particularly allergies. Their Terrier lineage makes them prone to itching, while their Pitbull blood can lead to frequent bouts of hot spots and other skin irritations. Keep an eye out for excessive itching and hair loss, as they are also predisposed to ichthyosis.
  • Periodontal disease: A type of canine gum disease is a potential issue. Caused by bacteria build-up, symptoms include inflamed gums, discolored teeth, bad breath, and weight loss. Regular dental care and veterinary check-ups are crucial to catch and address this problem in its early stages.
  • Knee problems: Rat Terrier Pitbull mix is predisposed to genetic knee issues. Regular veterinary consultations are essential to monitor and address these concerns promptly.
  • Eye problems: Pitbull Rat Terriers are predisposed to cataracts, primary lens luxation, and progressive retinal atrophy. Vigilant observation for signs of odd behavior and symptoms or asking for professional veterinary advice are recommended for managing these potential eye issues.

How Long Can a Pit Rat Terrier Live?

Pit Rat Terrier mixes, when well-cared for, can enjoy a relatively long life of 10 to 18 years. However, the exact lifespan varies based on the specific breed of the Pitbull parent and the overall health of the Rat Terrier parent. Notably, the American Staffordshire Terrier tends to have the longest lifespan among Pitbull breeds, while the American Bully and American Pit Bull Terrier have shorter life expectancies.

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How Much Does a Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix Cost?

A Rat Terrier Pitbull mix puppy can cost you anywhere from $200 to $1,500, with the priciest ones hitting $5,000. These figures depend on factors like quality, availability, and location. If you're after specific colors or want health insurance included, prices may climb.

Remember, bringing a pup home means more than just the initial cost. You'll need to budget for essentials like dog food, leashes, food bowls, and vaccines. Being aware of these expenses helps you prepare financially. So, when looking at a new furry friend, keep in mind the initial expenses, ranging from the pup's cost to the essential supplies required for their well-being.


Hopefully, the useful information above helps you understand more about the Rat Terrier Pitbull Mix, an amazing breed ready to be the perfect pet for your family. If you desire an active, intelligent, and loyal companion to bring joy and furry love into your life, this mix is the ideal choice.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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