John Switch Thu Dec 21 2023

Greyhound Poodle Mix: Should You Get a Pet for Your Family?

Greyhound Poodle Mix: Should You Get a Pet for Your Family?

Are you thinking about getting a Greyhound Poodle mix as a pet? This breed is one of a kind because it has the grace of a Greyhound and the brains of a Poodle. Before making a choice, it's important to look into the pet's personality, care needs, and compatibility with your family's way of life to make sure it will be a good companion.


Overview of Greyhound Poodle Mix

A Greyhound Poodle mix, often known as a Greyoodle, is a Greyhound and a Poodle cross. This breed is well-known for its intelligence, athleticism, and mild demeanour. Greyoodles are frequently smaller than purebred Greyhounds. However, they share many physical qualities, such as a lean and muscular body, long legs, and a narrow head.

Greyhound Poodle Mix: Should You Get a Pet for Your Family? Greyhound Poodle Mix

They may also have the curly or wavy coat of a Poodle, which can be white, black, or any colour in between. Greyoodles are often calm and well-behaved, making them a popular choice for families with children.

What Are The Characteristics of a Greyhound Poodle Mix?

A Greyhound Poodle mix tends to exhibit a combination of features from both parent breeds.

Energetic and Agile

The Greyhound in a Poodle's DNA usually means that the dog will be high-energy and quick on its feet. They are active and sporty, making them a great addition to households who like to keep busy.

Friendly and Social

Like Greyhounds and Poodles, these hybrid dogs are outgoing and gregarious. They might be a friendly addition to the household because they get along with everyone from young kids to other pets to complete strangers.

Greyhound Poodle Mix: Should You Get a Pet for Your Family? Characteristics of a Greyhound Poodle mix

Trainable and Intelligent

As with their parent breed, Poodle and Greyhound mixes tend to inherit their intelligence and trainability. They tend to get along well with their owners, and that's because they're trainable and may do well in obedience training.

How Much Does a Greyhound Poodle Mix Cost to Keep?

Greyhound Poodle mixes can be expensive to care for in a variety of ways. That covers things like your location and the general cost of living as well as the dog's age, size, and health:

Adoption or Purchase Price

There are big differences in how much it costs to adopt a Greyhound and Poodle mix from a rescue or buy one from a breeder. Shelters and groups may charge between $100 and $500 to adopt an animal. One from a breeder could cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500 or even more.

Spay or Neuter Surgery

In order to help control the pet population and avoid certain health problems, it's important to spay or neuter your Poodle Greyhound mix. Depending on where you live and the dog's age and size, this surgery can cost anywhere from $50 to $500.

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By microchipping your Greyhound Poodle mix, you can find it again if your mixed pet gets lost. Based on where you live, microchipping can cost anywhere from $25 to $50 or more.

Initial Medical Expenses

When you adopt the standard Poodle Greyhound mix, it will require a series of vaccines, deworming, flea prevention and so on. Depending on the age and size of the dog, as well as the region, the cost of these procedures might range from $100 to $500 or more.

Greyhound Poodle Mix Care Concerns

Food & Diet

You should feed your Greyhound mixed with Poodle a dry diet with the odd treat. Once they reach adulthood, they require about a cup of food each day, split between two meals.

You should anticipate feeding your puppy more frequently and eating more food. Their monthly food cost is low, at about $30-$45 on average.


The Greyhound Poodle mix is a fairly easy breed to keep. The Pootalian sheds extremely little and is a good breed for those with allergies because it is descended from the hypoallergenic Poodle.

Note: You should brush them a few times a week to avoid knots and tangles in their long fur. On the whole, however, they are quite low-maintenance.

Greyhound Poodle Mix: Should You Get a Pet for Your Family? Greyhound Poodle Mix Care Concerns

Although Greyhound Poodle mixes come in a wide variety of colors, the most popular are black, white, and fawn. They are also available in gray, brown, and brindle if they inherit more genes from the Greyhound father.

Finally, remember to brush your dog's teeth or offer them dental chews on a regular basis and maintain your Pootalian's nails.


The Italian Greyhound is famous for being fast because of its shape and traits that came from the original Greyhound types.

Also, Poodles like to work out, but because their legs are shorter, they can't run for long amounts of time. Poodle and Greyhound mix is suitable for people who like to walk slowly. Every day, they need about an hour of exercise, which is generally split up into two half-hour walks.

Greyhound and Poodle mix requires daily exercise Greyhound and Poodle mix requires daily exercise

If the walk takes place in a park or field with lots of room to run, they will quickly use up all their energy. After that, they'll sleep for the rest of the day.

As a result, they don't need a big house. The Greyhound and Poodle mix is great for city dogs because it will sit on the couch with you for hours.


In compared to other breeds, Poodle Greyhound mixes are rather easy to teach. They are extremely intelligent and respond fast to directions. They can, however, be stubborn and like to do things their way. This could indicate that, while they comprehend what you're saying, they don't want to do what you're asking.

In terms of personality, the breed resembles the Poodle more. They lack the eager-to-please attitude of the Italian Greyhound. They have a stronger desire to please themselves.

Note: Positive reinforcement in the form of food or a game with their favorite toy is strongly advised.

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Are There any Common Health Problems with Greyhound Poodle Mixes?

Common Health Problems

Although stronger than their purebred parents, Pootalians are also susceptible to health and problems. These are some examples:

  • Problems with the eyes
  • Skin issues
  • Dysplasia of the hip
  • Von Willebrand's disease is characterized by hypothyroidism.
  • Intervertebral disc degeneration
  • Epilepsy
  • Addison's syndrome
  • luxation of the patella

Fortunately, like any other breed, regular vet visits, a balanced diet, and regular exercise can help prevent these health issues.

How Long Can a Greyhound Poodle Mix Live?

The Greyhound mixed with Poodle will also be your companion for a long time, typically 12-16 years.

The lifespan of an Italian Greyhound is quite long. This rare dog breed can live up to 19 years with good care and upkeep, although the average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Lifespan of Greyhound Poodle mix Lifespan of Greyhound Poodle mix

The Poodle has an average lifetime of 12-15 years, with the oldest-ever known standard Poodle living to the age of 28!

Health and Conditions

Mixed breeds are reputed to be tougher than purebred animals, yet they are not immune to genetic diseases. Pootalians are susceptible to ailments that affect both the Italian Greyhound and the Poodle, as well as health issues that affect smaller dog breeds in general.

Are Greyhound Poodle Mixes Suitable for Family Pets?

The Greyhound mixed with Poodle might make a good family companion. However, it is critical to evaluate the traits and demands of both Greyhounds and Poodles, as well as the distinctive personality of the exact dog you are considering.

Greyhounds are generally calm, friendly, and tolerant canines who get along well with youngsters. Poodles are also regarded as being intelligent and trainable, making them good with youngsters. It's also vital to examine Greypoo's size and energy level.

Greyhound Poodle Mix: Should You Get a Pet for Your Family? Should families have Greyhounds Poodle mix?

Greyhounds are tall, thin dogs who were developed for racing and are well-known for their speed. Poodles are also very energetic canines who require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation.

A Greyhound and Poodle mix may inherit some of these traits, so think about whether you have the time and space to give them the exercise and activity they require.

The best pet for your family will ultimately be determined by your lifestyle, living situation, and personal needs and preferences. Before adding a dog to your household, it is critical to conduct a study and thoroughly evaluate all issues.


Greyhound Poodle mix is a hybrid breed produced by crossing a Greyhound and a Poodle. Poodles are famous for their intelligence and hypoallergenic coats, whereas Greyhounds are lean, athletic dogs with short, smooth coats.

These mixed dogs require daily exercise to avoid boredom and destructive behaviors. Before getting a Greyhound and Poodle mix to your household, you should do extensive research and consult a reputable breeder.

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John Switch
John Switch / Author

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