John Switch Fri Jan 12 2024

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types

This list of 12 popular types of Dutch Dog Breeds will give you an overview of their characteristics and how to care for them.

Check out the information below to learn more about these amazing dogs!

12 Dutch Dog Breeds

Dutch Shepherd

The Dutch Shepherds are divided into three different coat types: long hair, short hair and wire hair. The short-haired Dutch Shepherd is the most common among them, followed by long-haired and rough-haired breeds respectively. The Dutch Shepherd was originally a livestock guardian dog used by farmers and shepherds.

Dutch Shepherds are mid-sized (21-25 inches), medium-weighted (42-75 pounds) and muscular breeds. These dogs are well known for their versatility, obedience, high intelligence and natural loyalty. They can be trained in various roles like search, rescue and detection work; service duty; guard work and herding.

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types Short-haired Dutch Shepherd

Active, playful, affectionate, reliable and friendly demeanour, this breed gets along so well with other dogs and children. Dutch Shepherds are highly energetic and demand regular outdoor exercise such as long walks, jogging or hiking. They are also considered healthy in general and less likely to have serious health issues. Their life expectancy ranges from 12 to 15 years. If you are an experienced owner and looking for an independent, loyal, alert, and lively dog with great stamina, the Dutch Shepherd will be the best choice.

Dutch Schapendoes/Dutch Sheepdog

The Dutch Schapendoes, also known as Dutch Sheepdog, native to the Netherlands, was originally a herding dog. This medium-sized dog has long, thick and wavy fur that comes in different colors. However, the most common coat colours are black, white with grey or brown markings, blue and grey. The Schapendoes can grow up to 20 inches in height and 55 pounds in weight and may live for 12 to 15 years on average.

Schapendoes has a high affection level and high playfulness. This breed tends to be cheerful around its family but can be a little nervous and not well-socialized around strangers. In addition, the Dutch Sheepdog requires exercise at least 2 hours per day due to its high energy level. Without enough exercise, some dogs might become destructive and mischievous.

Dutch Schapendoes Dutch Schapendoes

Brush the Schapendoes at least once to twice a week and bathe them once a month, otherwise, their fur can get matted. This sheepdog is a healthy breed overall. It is not prone to experience any genetic health problems. To keep them healthy and happy, make sure to feed them a high-quality and balanced diet.

Overall, this dog is a perfect canine companion for outdoorsy and active owners.

Hollandse Smoushond/Dutch Smoushond

The Hollandse Smoushond or Dutch Smoushond is a small-sized dog with a square body. A full-grown Dutch Smoushond can weigh about 20-22 pounds and reach 14-17 inches tall. It can live up to 15 years.

Hollandse Smoushond has medium coat length with normal density, with a rough and wiry double coat. To remove unwanted mats and tangles and keep the coat shiny, weekly brushing for Smoushond is necessarily required. The qualified Hollandse Smoushond is always self-colored yellow and has a distinctive beard. One fun fact about this little dog is that its paws are surprisingly small, like a cat's.

Hollandse Smoushond Hollandse Smoushond

This lovely little dog has a lively, playful, and people-oriented character. Due to their smart and eager-to-please personality, it is quite easy to train them. With its playful nature, the Dutch Smoushond is an ideal candidate for dog sports.

Despite its lively and active character, The Smoushond is a bit more sensitive than other dog breeds. They can not endure any punishments, whether soft or hard, or disrupted daily routines, so if you ignore them for long, they might become annoying and destructive. However, the Dutch Smoushond is still a great companion for active and careful families.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is known for its extraordinary hunting skills and distinctive harsh, wiry fur. With a mid-sized body (22-24 inches in height and 50-70 pounds in weight) and a dense double coat that protects them from severe weather, this lovely dog is a great hunting assistance for any hunter. Despite their thick and wiry coat, they just need regular brushing to keep their coat clean and tidy. Besides, the typical cost for grooming this breed is pretty low.

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is an intelligent, loyal, and outgoing breed. Griffon has a friendly and affectionate demeanour towards children and family members. However, Griffons are incredibly active and require plenty of exercise every day, so if you live in a small apartment, remember to carefully consider it before adopting a Griffon. Since this dog breed is versatile and can adapt quickly to new environments, owning a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon would be a good choice for most families.


The Keeshond is an active dog breed that is famous for its charismatic physical characteristics and cheerful personality. When Keeshond is fully grown, a male and female can reach 18 inches and 17 inches tall at the shoulder, respectively. This breed has a double-layered thick coat with a grey, cream, and black color mixture that leads to higher grooming needs compared to other dogs.

If you are thinking about having a Keeshond, remember that the Keeshond sheds A LOT OF HAIR. They shed their soft undercoat heavily twice a year. That's why you have to spend time brushing your dog regularly (once to twice weekly) to protect its fluffy undercoat.

Keeshond Keeshond

Typical words such as alert, protective, outgoing, and affectionate sum up Keeshond's temperament, so this canine is a good match for families with children. Keeshond has strong watchdog instincts. Although they bark frequently when someone steps into your house, they rarely bite strangers. With delightful character and well-mannered behavior, Keeshond makes a true pet for the family.

Nederlandse Kooikerhondje

Having a unique coat of orange and white, the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje is a charming breed that grabs anyone's attention at first glance. This dog can grow up to 17 inches when becoming an adult. Though the Kooikerhondjes are quite sensitive at first, once they accept you as their friend, they instantly become lively, affectionate, and faithful.

They get on very well with all family members due to their patience and gentle temperament. Besides, you should brush their medium-length coat two to three times a week to prevent them from irritating mats and trim their nails at least once a month to guard against splitting or cracking.

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types Nederlandse Kooikerhondje

Because Kooikerhondjes are sporting dogs, they require daily exercise to keep their health in good condition. You can take them for walking or running at least 1 hour a day. With its playful and athletic nature combined with high trainability, this breed is a master in many dog sports. If you are active and want a smart, vigorous canine companion, then the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje is for you.

Saarloos Wolfdog

Look like a wolf, but not the wolf. That is the Saarloos Wolfdog, a breed native to the Netherlands. This big-sized dog weighs between 66 and 100 pounds and reaches from 24 to 30 inches tall. Like most Dutch dogs, the Sarloos Wolfdog has a dense, double coat that protects their body from the cold winter and seasonal changes. This large-sized dog breed is physically strong with powerful legs and big paws.

Despite their wolfish appearance, Sarloos has a sweet and gentle personality. They deeply love their owners and are strongly devoted to them. Even though Sarloos Wolfdogs are generally self-confident and independent, they can be shy and reserved around strangers.

Sarloos Wolfdog Sarloos Wolfdog

Due to their extreme sensitivity and high energy level, this alert Dutch dog breed is not a good choice for first-time owners. The Sarloos don't need too much bathing and grooming, but they shed a lot during spring and summer. This Wolfdog needs moderate exercise, such as short walks at least once a day. The Sarloos require outdoor space to run around, so you better have a back garden or large living space to ensure the dog's welfare.

Drentsche Patrijshond

Drentsche Patrijshond or Dutch Partridge Dog, is an intelligent gundog. It weighs approximately 40 to 70 pounds. The coat of Drentsche Patrijshond is dense, medium-long, and slightly wavy on the ears. Its main color is a mixture of brown and white or orange and white, sometimes tricolor with markings.

This agile breed loves playing games, particularly with a tennis ball and flying disc. The Drent requires physical exercise every day such as a 30-minute walk or catching the balls to provide its physical and mental stimulation.

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types Drentsche Patrijshond

Generally, the Drentsche Patrijshond is healthy and lively. However, it is prone to suffer from some genetic health issues like hip dysplasia. You should brush this dog breed weekly and bathe it monthly to remove the dirt and keep its fur in good condition. Though the Drents are family-friendly and good-natured, you shouldn't leave them alone with small pets like hamsters, birds, and rabbits due to their high prey drive. Drentsche Patrijshond is a wonderful companion for owners who love outdoor activities.


Stabyhoun, the sporting breed that came from the northern region of the Netherlands, is well-known for its affectionate and tolerant personality. They can be friends with anyone in the world and deeply love their family. This captivating breed is easy to train with some basic commands such as come, sit, stay, and lay down while other dogs require more time. In the past, Stabyhouns were used for guarding, hunting, and catching pests owing to their intelligence and flexibility.

The adult Stabyhoun weighs from 45 to 55 pounds and has an average height of 19 to 21 inches. Most Stabyhouns have silky double coats that come in black, brown, or orange color with white markings. What makes this breed special is that its coat is self-cleaning, so you just need to brush it once a week to get rid of loose fur.

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types Stabyhoun

Stabyhoun only requires bathing when it smells bad or gets terribly dirty. Like other sporting dogs, 1-hour exercise is relatively enough for Stabyhoun to keep them physically beautiful and healthy. This dog generally has good health and that it rarely faces serious health issues.


Wetterhoun is one of the rarest Dutch breeds in the world. This natural watchdog is a genius in several dog sports. Wetterhoun is famous for its distinctive appearance, including curly, oily hair and waterproof undercoat that leads to low grooming and bathing needs. You should brush this canine one to two times per week. The coat color can be black or brown or a combination of black and white. The ideal weight of Wetterhoun is 55-77 pounds and 22 inches tall.

This Dutch dog breed is a true family pet that loves playing with both adults and children. They are gentle, strong-willed, and clever. Although it might take time for Wetterhoun to become more attached to the family, once they love you, they will spend their whole life protecting and defending you.

Wetterhoun Wetterhoun

All Wetterhounds prefer being outdoors and love any water activities. They need to exercise at least 45 minutes a day to ensure their well-being. If you are seeking an active companion who enjoys outdoor activities, a Wetterhoun with a playful attitude and boundless energy would be an ideal candidate for you.


Markiesje or Dutch Tulip Hound, is an old small-sized Dutch breed. It is one of the rare Dutch dog breeds that has a single-layer coat with one solid black color while some dogs have white markings on legs and tails. On the whole, the Dutch Tulip Hound has an elegant and graceful appearance that catches everyone's attention at first sight. The typical height for this breed ranges from 12 to 15 inches and the weight is 11 to 13 pounds. Markiesje is gentle, amiable, and cheerful with all family members, especially children. Though all interactions between dogs and toddlers need to be actively supervised, the Markiesje is remarkably reliable. You should comb and brush Markiesje regularly to remove loose hair and dirt that will keep their coat beautiful and smooth.

Markiesje Markiesje

Despite their small and long body, this Dutch dog breed requires pretty high exercise intensity such as long walking, jogging, or swimming. 45 minutes of vigorous activity per day is essential to keep them healthy.  Markiesje tends to have good health and rarely gets sick.

Bouvier Des Flandres

Bouvier des Flandres is a versatile working breed which originated in Belgium. This powerful dog is famous for its two-layered and wiry fur, water-resistant undercoat, and impressive moustache. Bouvier's coat colors are often fawn, dark grey, black, and brindle with small white markings. This large and strong dog can weigh between 60 and 110 pounds and stand 24 to 27 inches high when fully grown up.

The Bouvier des Flandres tends to be gentle, careful, and quiet but can be dominant and aggressive towards other pets if they do not grow up together. Although the Bouvier has a strong prey drive, it is obedient, protective, and intelligent and will spend its entire life devoted to your family. This Dutch dog breed craves human companionship and tries its best to please its owners.

Dutch Dog Breeds: Top 12 Popular Types Bouvier des Flandres

The Bouvier may look calm and gentle but it still needs to be active for 2 hours a day, such as walking and running. Without sufficient exercise, the breed might have destructive behaviors and aggression towards other pets and strangers.

Due to this breed's shaggy, dense coat, it requires regular brushing and grooming at least two to three times a week, more often during the hot season. This dog also prefers rural or suburban areas to run around. With its strong-willed mind and independent personality, the Bouvier is trained to search and rescue for police work.

Are Dutch Dog Breeds Easy to Take Care of?

While there are several Dutch dog breeds, you can find common ground in their temperaments, health, energy levels, body size, and exercise needs. Most of them have the affectionate, lively, friendly, and loyal personality that makes Dutch dog breeds a wonderful choice for both individuals and families. They have good health and a strong immune system. They are also not hypoallergic and highly adaptable to new environments.

However, most Dutch breeds require a high level of exercise owing to their high energy level, so that can be challenging for inactive owners. If you have a hectic schedule or live in a small apartment, the Dutch dogs is not suitable for your daily routine. All in all, most Dutch dog breeds are relatively easy to care for due to their high adaptability and intelligence. With proper training and consistent care, all dogs would grow more attached to their owners.

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These 12 popular types of Dutch dog breeds symbolize loyalty, love, alertness, and devotion. These Dutch dogs embody the spirit of the nation, reflecting their history and commitment to various roles, from hunting partners to loyal family members and police assistants.

Each breed carries its unique traits and valuable qualities. They also continue to enchant and enrich the lives of people all over the world that is fortunate enough to share their homes with these lively canine companions.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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