John Switch Tue Feb 20 2024

When Do Border Collie Ears Stand Up? -  All Facts 

When Do Border Collie Ears Stand Up? -  All Facts 

When Do Border Collie Ears Stand Up? - The Border Collie, a breed celebrated as much for its sharp intellect and vigorous energy as for its distinctive physical features, has long captured the hearts of dog enthusiasts worldwide. Whether perky and upright or soft and floppy, the ears of a Border Collie are not just a significant aspect of their expressive appearance but also an interesting subject in terms of breed standards and genetics.

In this article, we will discuss all the fun facts of Border Collie Ears, unraveling the mystery of when and why their ears stand up, the factors influencing their unique shapes, and the care required to keep them healthy.

Let's read this comprehensive guide to get deep insights about Border Collie Ears!


What Is a Border Collie?

Originating from the borderlands between Scotland and England, Border Collies were bred for herding livestock. They are known for their keen intelligence, high energy, and responsive nature. This breed's ability to quickly learn and execute commands makes them excellent working dogs and beloved companions.

Their physical appearance is just as varied as their skill set, with their ears playing a notable role in giving each dog a unique look. They generally have a well-defined muzzle and a black nose, although some may have a lighter-colored nose, particularly in lighter-colored coats.

The Border Collie Breed The Border Collie Breed

A Border Collie typically stands about 18 to 22 inches at the shoulder and weighs between 30 to 45 pounds. They exhibit a balanced and athletic build, reflecting their agility and endurance. They typically have a double coat that can be smooth or rough and come in various colors and patterns.

Do Border Collie Ears Stand Up?

Border Collie ears can assume various shapes. Some dogs have ears that stand erect, while others have ears that tip or fold at the top, and some have completely floppy ears. This variation is part of the breed's genetic diversity and contributes to each dog's individual personality and charm.

When Do Border Collie Ears Stand Up?

Border Collie puppies undergo several developmental changes as they grow, with their ears often being a point of interest and curiosity. Typically, the final ear stance becomes evident around 6-8 months of age, but it can be noticeable as early as 3 to 4 months. During their growth, the ears can change position, sometimes daily, which adds to the fun of watching these puppies grow.

When Do Border Collie Ears Stand Up? When Do Border Collie Ears Stand Up?

Reasons Why Border Collie Ears Can't Stand Up?

There are various reasons why Border Collie ears might not stand up. These include:

  • Genetic Influence: The most significant factor is genetics. If the puppy’s parents had floppy or semi-erect ears, there's a higher chance of similar ear types in their offspring.
  • Overall Health and Nutrition: Adequate nutrition plays a vital role in a puppy's development. A diet lacking essential nutrients can affect the proper growth of cartilage, impacting the ears' ability to stand erect.
  • Injury or Trauma: Any damage to the ears during the critical growth phase can alter their natural development.

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What Factors Affect Border Collie Ears Shape?

There are several factors that can influence Border Collie Ears, including genetics, teething development, and fondling.


Genetics is the primary determinant of a Border Collie's ear shape and position. The breed standard allows for variability, reflecting the diverse genetic makeup of these dogs. The genes inherited from their parents significantly influence whether a Border Collie will have standing, tipped, or floppy ears.


Puppy teething can temporarily affect the ear carriage. As puppies lose their milk teeth and grow adult teeth, there can be fluctuations in calcium levels, which might temporarily soften ear cartilage, causing the ears to droop or change position.

What Factors Affect Border Collie Ears Shape? What Factors Affect Border Collie Ears Shape?

Additionally, the jaw and neck muscles are closely linked to the ears, so the constant stimulation from chewing will cause the ears to bounce. Some veterinarians believe that large, well-developed chewing jaw muscles can lead to more protruding ears.


Constant handling or fondling of the ears can negatively affect their development. In the early stages, puppies' ear cartilage and bones are fragile, so too much petting or touching can cause damage and eventually affect ear shape and development.

How Can You Make Border Collie’s Ears Tip?

Some Border Collie owners desire their dog’s ears to have a specific “tipped” appearance, where the ears stand erect but with a slight fold at the tips. However, it's important to note that these methods are not guaranteed to work and should be done gently to avoid causing discomfort or harm to the dog.


Gently massaging the base and outer edge of the ears can sometimes encourage them to tip slightly. This should be done softly, without applying pressure or force. It’s crucial to understand that massaging will not change the genetic predisposition of the ear shape. If the ears are meant to be fully erect or floppy, massage is unlikely to alter this.

How Can You Make Border Collie’s Ears Tip? How Can You Make Border Collie’s Ears Tip?


You can gently fold the tips of the ears to encourage a tipped appearance. This involves lightly bending the ear at the desired tipping point. Some owners stick a small weight, such as candy, to the tip of the ear. This method should be approached with caution. It's important to prioritize the dog's comfort and well-being over achieving a specific look.

Note: do not use regular glue, but buy specialized glue so as not to harm the skin.

Health Problems of Border Collie Ears

Border Collies are prone to various ear health issues, including ear infections, mites, and injuries. Regular checks are essential for preventing these problems. Owners should be alert to symptoms like excessive scratching, redness, or discharge, which could indicate an infection or other ear problems.

Border Collie Ear Health Problems Border Collie Ear Health Problems

Care Considerations of Border Collie Ears

Regular ear care is crucial for maintaining the health of a Border Collie, typically once a week. Regular inspections and cleaning can prevent the buildup of wax and debris and help detect any signs of infection or parasites early on. Owners should use a gentle, dog-specific ear cleaner and avoid inserting anything deep into the ear canal, as this can cause injury.

FAQs - Border Collie Ears

Do All Border Collies Have Standing Ears?

No, not all Border Collies have standing ears. The breed shows a variety of ear types, including fully erect, semi-erect, tipped, or floppy, all of which are acceptable and add to the breed's diverse appearance.

Can Border Collie's Food Impact Their Ear Growth?

While nutrition is crucial for overall development, it doesn't directly determine the type of ears a Border Collie will have. However, proper nutrition is essential for healthy ear cartilage development, especially in the puppy stage.

Is It OK When an Ear Stays Up and Other Ear Flops Down?

Asymmetrical ears, where one ear stands up and the other flops down, are not uncommon in Border Collies, especially during the puppy phase. This can even out as they grow, but some may retain this unique characteristic. Generally, this feature does not mean that there is something wrong with your collie's ears. Their hearing is still good like that of other Border Collies.

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Final Thought

Border Collie Ears are more than just a physical characteristic; they are a window into the breed's diverse genetic heritage and an expression of individual personality. Whether standing, tipping, or flopping, each ear type contributes to the unique charm of these intelligent and energetic dogs.

While it's natural for owners to be curious about their dog's ear development, it's important to appreciate and embrace their natural state. The focus should always be on the health and happiness of the dog, with ear shape being a delightful aspect of their distinctiveness.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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