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Border Collie Dachshund Mix: Dog Breed Information And Pictures

Border Collie Dachshund Mix: Dog Breed Information And Pictures

The Border Collie Dachshund Mix is a unique canine blend that combines the intelligence of the Border Collie with the charm of the Dachshund.

In this article, we will discuss all intriguing characteristics of this hybrid breed, from its parent breeds to its appearance, temperament, care concerns, health problems, lifespan, price and more. Whether you're considering adding one to your family or simply curious about this delightful mix, join us to explore the fascinating details and endearing pictures of the Dachshund Border Collie Mix.


What Is a Border Collie Dachshund Mix?

The Border Collie Dachshund Mix is a crossbreed that results from the union of the Dachshund and the Border Collie. This hybrid, also known as the "Doxie Collie" or "Border Wiener," inherits traits from both parent breeds, creating a unique and spirited canine companion.

Quick Facts

    Name:      Border Collie Dachshund Mix, Weiner Dog Border Collie Mix, Border Collie Doxie Mix, Doxie Collie Mix, Border Weenie, Border Wiener
    Height:       8 to 22 inches
    Weight:      16 to 45 pounds
    Lifespan:      10 to 16 years
    Colors:      Black, white, brown, red, merle
    Temperament:      Intelligent, energetic, active, loyal, affectionate

Border Collie Dachshund Mix Parent Breeds

To truly understand the magic behind the Border Collie Dachshund Mix, let's explore fun facts about its parent breeds: a Dachshund and a Border Collie.

The Dachshund

Originating from Germany, the Dachshund is a small yet courageous breed with a distinctive long body and short legs. Initially bred for hunting, Dachshunds have a spirited personality that contributes courage and charm to the Border Collie and Dachshund Mix.

The Dachshund Dog The Dachshund Dog

Dachshunds are small-sized dogs and come in three coat varieties: smooth, long-haired, and wire-haired. Each coat type has its unique grooming needs, adding to the diversity of the mixed dog's appearance. Their expressive eyes and long ears give them an endearing look that often carries over to the mix.

The Border Collie 

Hailing from the British Isles, the Border Collie is renowned for its exceptional intelligence and herding abilities. Known for their energy, agility, and loyalty, Border Collies bring vitality and keen instincts to the mix.

Border Collies are medium to large-sized dogs with a well-proportioned body and an expressive face. Their double coat can be either smooth or rough, with a dense undercoat to protect them from various weather conditions.

The Border Collie Dog The Border Collie Dog

Renowned for their intelligence, Border Collies are often considered one of the most trainable dog breeds. Their herding instincts make them alert.

Border Collie Dachshund Mix Appearance  

Physical traits of each Border Collie Dachshund Mix may be different. In general, their facial features may include the long, expressive ears of the Dachshund parent or the alert gaze characteristic of the Border Collie parent. The tail may vary in length, adding a touch of individuality to every dog.


The Border Collie Weiner Dog Mixes are small to medium-sized dogs, showcasing proportions influenced by both parent breeds.

Their size may vary, but they generally stand between 8 to 22 inches at the shoulder and weigh from 16 to 45 pounds.  The length of their body and tail, reminiscent of the Dachshund, contributes to their distinctive appearance.

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Coat Type & Colors 

Influenced by the genetic makeup of the Border Collie and the Dachshund, their coat can display a range of colors and patterns. Their coats vary from short to medium in length, while coat colors may include black, white, brown, red, and merle patterns. The coat texture can be smooth, resembling the sleekness of the Dachshund, or display the slightly longer and denser texture reminiscent of the Border Collie.

Dachshund Border Collie Mix Temperament & Personality

The personality of the Border Collie Dachshund Mix mirrors the spirited nature of both parent breeds, resulting in a intelligent friend.

These dogs are known for their lively and affectionate disposition. They often form strong bonds with their families, displaying loyalty and a desire to be involved in various activities. Their intelligence, inherited from both parent breeds, makes them quick learners, which can be advantageous during training sessions.

Border Collie Dachshund Mix: Dog Breed Information And Pictures Active and high-energy Border Collie Dachshund Mix

Moreover, Collie Doxies may exhibit a playful and energetic side, especially when engaged in activities that stimulate their minds and bodies.

While these mixed breed dogs are generally friendly, individual personalities can vary. Some may inherit more of the Dachshund's independent streak, while others may lean towards the Border Collie's eagerness to please. Early socialization and consistent training help shape a well-behaved and sociable companion.

Care Concerns of Border Collie Dachshund Mix

Ensuring the health of your Border Collie Dachshund Mix involves solving various care considerations that contribute to their health, happiness, and harmonious living.

Food & Diet Needs

Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is key for their overall health and vitality. You should select a high-quality dog food that caters to the nutritional needs of small to medium-sized breeds. Include a mix of dry kibble, wet food, and occasionally fresh fruits and vegetables to provide a diverse range of nutrients.

Divide their meals into two or three servings a day to maintain energy levels. Portion control is vital to prevent overfeeding and maintain a healthy weight.

You should consider factors such as age, activity level, and any specific health concerns when you choose the appropriate diet. It is better to consult with your vet to determine the best diet plan based on your Border Collie Doxie Mix's needs.

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Grooming Needs

Maintaining the coat and overall hygiene of the Border Collie Weiner Dog Mix involves a routine of grooming practices designed to meet their specific needs.

  • Brushing: Regular brushing sessions, at least 2-3 times a week, help manage shedding and keep their coat healthy. You can adjust the frequency as needed during shedding seasons.
  • Bathing: Bathing should be performed as needed, typically every 4-8 weeks or when they've ventured into dirt-filled adventures. You should use a mild dog shampoo to maintain a healthy coat and skin.
  • Ear Cleaning: Regularly check and clean their ears using a vet-recommended ear cleaner to prevent infections. You should avoid inserting anything into the ear canal.
  • Tooth Cleaning: Establish a dental care routine that includes regular teeth brushing to promote oral health. Incorporate dental chews and toys for additional support.
  • Nail Trimming: Keep their nails at a comfortable length by trimming them regularly. Introduce nail trimming gradually from a young age to make it a positive experience.

Exercise Needs

The Collie Dachshund Mix will require a lot of exercise to keep both their mind and body active and engaged. Daily walks, playtime, and interactive activities contribute to their overall health.

  • Daily Walks: Aim for at least 30 minutes to an hour of daily walks, divided into multiple sessions. Walks provide necessary physical exercise and mental stimulation, helping prevent boredom and bad behaviors.
  • Playtime: Engage in interactive play sessions with toys that challenge their problem-solving skills. Puzzle toys, fetch, and hide-and-seek are excellent ways to keep them mentally stimulated.
Dachshund Border Collie Mix with play times Dachshund Border Collie Mix with play times
  • Agility Activities: Leverage their agility and intelligence with activities such as agility courses or obedience training. This not only provides physical exercise but also strengthens the bond between you and your Dachshund Collie Mix.


Training the Border Weenie is a perfect experience that requires positive reinforcement techniques and consistency. Use treats, praise, and play to reinforce desired behaviors and form a strong bond.

  • Basic Commands: Start with basic commands such as sit, stay, and come. Consistent and positive reinforcement helps them grasp these commands quickly.
  • Socialization: Expose the Weiner Dog Border Collie Mix to various environments, people, and other animals from an early age. This helps prevent shyness or fearfulness and fosters positive interactions.
  • Housetraining: Initiate housetraining early, rewarding them for eliminating in appropriate areas. Establish a routine for bathroom breaks, especially after meals and waking up.
  • Crate Training: Introduce crate training as a safe and comfortable space. Gradual positive associations with the crate help create a secure environment for your Dachshund and Border Collie Mix.

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Border Collie Dachshund Mix Health Issues 

Vigilance and awareness are crucial when it comes to potential health issues that may affect the Border Collie Dachshund Mix. Understanding these concerns allows for proactive care and early detection.

  • Hip Dysplasia: The Dachshund influence may make them prone to hip dysplasia, a condition that need attention and potential preventive measures.
  • Eye Diseases: Regular eye check-ups are necessary to detect and address any potential eye issues early on. Conditions such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and cataracts may be controlled.
  • Dental Health: Dental issues, including tooth decay and gum disease, can be a concern. Establish a regular teeth-cleaning routine and provide dental chews or toys.
  • Obesity: Both the Dachshund and the Border Collie are prone to obesity. Monitor their weight and adjust their diet and exercise accordingly.

How Long Can a Border Collie Dachshund Mix Live?

With proper care and attention, the Border Collie mixed with Dachshund typically enjoys a lifespan of 10 to 16 years. Providing regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle contribute to their longevity.

Border Collie Dachshund Mix: Dog Breed Information And Pictures Border Collie and Dachshund Mix

How Much Does a Border Collie Dachshund Mix Cost?

The cost of getting a Border Collie Dachshund Mix puppy can vary based on factors such as breeder reputation, lineage, and location. On average, prospective owners can expect to invest around $500 to $4000 for a well-bred puppy.

Border Collie Dachshund Pros & Cons

Understanding both the advantages and considerations associated with the Border Weenie allows potential owners to make informed decisions.


  • Intelligence: Inherits the intelligence of both parent breeds.
  • Loyalty: Displays loyalty and affection towards their owners.
  • Companionship: Offers nice companionship with a spirited personality.


  • Grooming Needs: Requires regular grooming to maintain coat health.
  • Exercise Requirements: Thrives on regular exercise, which may be difficult for some owners.
  • Potential Health Issues: Prone to potential health issues such as hip dysplasia and eye diseases.

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FAQ - Border Collie Dachshund Mix 

Are Border Collie and Dachshund Mixes Good with Kids?

Yes, with proper socialization, Weiner Dog Border Collie Mix can be excellent family dogs, forming strong bonds with children. Their affectionate nature and manageable size make them suitable partners.

Is Dachshund Collie Mix High Maintenance?

While grooming needs may vary based on individual coat traits, overall care for the Border Collie Dachshund Mix is moderate. Regular grooming, exercise, and proper nutrition contribute to their health.

Is Dachshund and Border Collie Mix Aggressive?

Aggression is not a predetermined trait, and the personality of the Border Collie and Dachshund Mix is effected by factors such as genetics, socialization, and training. Proper training and positive reinforcement are key to shaping a well-behaved and sociable partner.

Can These Dogs Be Left Alone?

Like other dog breeds, they can easily get bored if being left alone. You should provide engaging toys, creating a comfortable space, and ensuring regular exercise can help ease their time alone.

Does Border Collie Dachshund Mix Bark a Lot?

Barking tendencies can vary among individuals. Early training and socialization can help manage excessive barking, ensuring a harmonious living environment.

Final Thought

The Border Collie Dachshund Mix is a interesting blend of intelligence, charm, and spirited energy. Whether you're captivated by their unique appearance or considering adding one to your family, this mixed breed promises a great companionship filled with affection and joy.

Embrace the journey of discovery with the Border Collie Dachshund Mix, and witness the magic of a canine dog that brings together the best of both worlds. In providing attentive care, love, and a stimulating environment, you can forge a lasting bond with this remarkable mix.

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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