John Switch Sat Feb 03 2024

All Things About Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix

All Things About Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix

An Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix is ​​a large-sized crossbreed that combines two popular breeds: the Great Pyrenees and the Australian Shepherd. This breed is known as an affectionate and protective dog with soft and fluffy fur.

What does the Great Pyrenees and Australian Shepherd mix look like? How do we train this breed? Reading this article to answer all your questions about this breed, from its origin to appearance, personality, lifespan, health issues, caring, training tips, etc.


What Is an Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix?

The Great Pyrenees Australian Shepherd mix is ​​a hybrid breed crossed from the Great Pyrenees and the Australian Shepherd.

The Great Pyrenees Australian Shepherd mix is ​​also known as the Australian Pyrenees Shepherd, Great Pyrenees Aussie, Great Pyrenees Shepherd, Aussie Pyr and Aussie Pyrenees.

Inheriting outstanding characteristics from their parents this is a large herder. Besides, it is very loyal and protective of its family, so that it can become a good companion for you and your family.

You should consider this hybrid breed if you want a dog that can keep you safe and be a loyal companion.

Quick Facts

    Name:      Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix, Australian Pyrenees Shepherd, Great Pyrenees        Aussie, Great Pyrenees Shepherd, Aussie Pyr and Aussie Pyrenees.
    Height:     25–32 inches
    Weight:     50–110 pounds
    Lifespan:     10–15 years
    Colors:     White, cream, brindle, tan, double-color, tri-color
    Temperature:      Loyal, protective, affectionate, intelligent

Parent Breeds of Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix 

The Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees is one of the ancient breeds. Through fossils, researchers believe that this dog's ancestors existed since 1800 BC.

The Great Pyrenees The Great Pyrenees

Today, Great Pyrenees dogs are famous for the familiar name Pyr. They commonly serve as working dogs in many parts of the world. With personality traits of intelligence, loyalty, and affection, this breed is also often considered a companion dog.

The Australian Shepherd

The name Australian Shepherd has confused many people. Despite its name, its lineage is from herding dogs named Pyrenean Sheepdogs near the Pyrenees Mountains.

In the 1800s, Pyrenean sheepdogs were brought to Australia by the indigenous people of the Pyrenees. They were crossed with other dogs, such as collies and border collies, and created the Australian Shepherd as we know it today.

The Australian Shepherd The Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is also one of the rare dog breeds because of its colorful lilac coat. They are flexible, independent, and have great speed and endurance. Therefore, they are the top choice for raising livestock. This breed also works as a service, drug detection and therapy dog.

Physical Characteristics of Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix

Size & Weight

Similar to their parents, Aussie Pyrenees mixes range in size from medium to heavy large. They can weigh 50 to 110 pounds and grow 25 to 32 inches tall when fully grown.

The reality is that the size of your Great Pyrenees and Australian Shepherd mix is unpredictable. Since they are hybrid dogs, many factors can influence size. Among them, males are usually larger than females.

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Great Pyrenees Shepherd mixes will reach their peak adult size at about 18 to 24 months. Although it is mature in its first year, it will continue to develop muscle and gain weight for several more months.


Like other mixed breeds, it is difficult to predict the appearance of the Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix. Their physical characteristics always depend on the dominant genes they inherit from their parents.

Some of this breed's genes only appear after they grow up. Therefore, when Great Pyrenees Aussies are young, they may look like one parent, but when they grow up, they look more like the other.

They have long, beautiful, smooth double coats inherited from the Great Pyrenees. This lengthy fur helps hide their muscles and helps keep their bodies warm during the cold season.

All Things About Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix appearance traits

The coat of Australian Shepherds mixed with Great Pyreneeses will come in various colors such as white, cream, brindle, tan, or two- and three-color combinations of these colors. If they received the dominant gene from the Great Pyrenees, their coat will be primarily white. In the other case, their coat would be multicolored or covered in white with marbled patches like the Australian Shepherd.

Most Aussie Pyrenees have floppy ears and moderately long combined with black eyes. Some will have rare blue eyes inherited from the Australian Shepherd. Notably, some dogs may have one blue eye and one black eye, a unique trait they received from the Australian Shepherd.

Personality Traits of Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix

Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes are affectionate, loyal, intelligent, independent and protective. It is a good combination that they inherit from the parent breeds. You will see all these traits when you live with them for a while.

The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent, sweet, and friendly dog, while the Pyr is more protective. Since the Pyr was initially bred to herd and protect sheep, it is an excellent guard dog, given its large size.

The outstanding temperaments of these two parent breeds have created Australian Shepherd, and Pyrenee mixes with both sets of dominant personalities.

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The Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes will be large dogs with strong protective instincts. Therefore, they work as herders and guard dogs. But these dogs are also friendly and get along well with people and other animals, especially if you allow them socializing early.

Moreover, Australian Pyrenees mixes is fed up quickly. You should not leave them locked up or alone for long hours, as they will cause destructive behavior.

You should get to know the puppy's parents before buying because, through the parents' temperament, you can know what to expect from your puppy.

Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Lifespan & Health Problems

The Great Pyrenees Aussie mixes are hardy dogs with a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Besides genes, other factors such as diet, living environment, and especially health problems affect their lifespan. You should note that proper care and attention from you and your family will help these furry friends prolong their lifespan.

Therefore, knowing the health problems that this mixed dog often encounters will help you recognize and promptly treat them in a good and reasonable way. Here are some common diseases for this breed that you should pay attention to:

  • Elbow and Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a health condition in which the ball and socket of a dog's hip joint are misaligned, causing severe pain when it moves. You should give your dog enough exercise and activity to prevent this problem.
  • Bloat: Bloat means food or gas causes your dog's stomach to swell, causing stomach pain. This situation often occurs in large or deep-chested dogs.
  • Skin allergies: Skin allergies often have common symptoms, such as licking the feet, stroking the face, and frequent ear infections. You should see a veterinarian for suggestions or prescriptions for oral or topical medications for this disease.
Great Pyrenees and Australian Shepherd mix health problems Great Pyrenees and Australian Shepherd mix health problems
  • Arthritis: Arthritis means the cartilage in joints, hips, elbows, etc, changes or is hurtfull, making it less smooth and causing the bones in the joint to rub against each other. It will cause pain, discomfort and stiffness in dogs. This problem is a common health problem in all dogs.
  • Joint pain: Joint pain is a health problem in all breeds and ages. But this condition will appear more often and become more severe as they grow older and older.

Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Caring Considerations

Grooming Requirements

The Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes have double coats, so they need regular and proper brushing and grooming, as their long hair can quickly become matted, tangled, and out of control.

If they resemble their Great Pyrenees parents, they shed less and need less grooming than their Australian Shepherd. But you should brush them at least three times a week, and it would be great if you could do this five times a week. You can use a pin brush, comb, and epilator to brush them easily.

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You should bathe them once a month and use dog wipes to help remove dirt, dander, and odors. Note you should not bathe them frequently because it may cause them to have skin allergies.

Moreover, their ears need to be cleaned once a week. Their nails also need to be trimmed from time to time.

If you don't know about proper grooming, it makes sense to hire a professional groomer to bathe, brush, and trim nails.

Food & Diet Requirements 

The dietary needs of each Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix are different. It will vary depending on size, weight, age, medical history, coat and skin condition, overall health, and other factors.

Since they are large dogs, you must provide high-quality, protein-rich food to keep them healthy and happy. After nine months, you can feed them 4 to 5 cups of dry or wet food daily.

Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix food and diet Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix food and diet

To be sure, see a veterinarian who will help you determine your dog's nutritional requirements.

When they are puppies, you can divide the food into 3-4 meals daily. If they mature, you can reduce feeding times to twice a day. However, you shouldn't feed your dogs freely to avoid obesity.

Exercise Needs

Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes are high-energy, so these dogs need plenty of physical and mental exercise to keep them happy and healthy.

You should take them on long walks, runs, or hikes for a few hours, at least 90 minutes a day. These activities help them burn off excess energy to limit their destructive behavior.

Additionally, mental stimulation is also essential for this mixed breed. Your Aussie Pyrenees mixes will have more fun playing fetch, puzzle toys, therapy mats, and other mental activities.

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Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes are intelligent, obedient, and willing to please their owners, so training them is relatively easy compared to other dog breeds.

Positive reinforcement techniques are a more effective training method than threats and punishment for this breed. You can reward them with treats, praise, and playtime for good behavior, motivating them to learn and repeat desired actions.

To get well-adjusted dogs, you should start training them when you bring them home. Obedience training is necessary. You can hire a professional dog trainer to get the most out of your Great Pyrenees Australian Shepherd mixes.

FAQ - Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix

How Big Is a Great Pyrenees Australian Shepherd Mix Dog?

A Great Pyrenees can weigh between 30 and 110 pounds, and an Australian Shepherd can weigh about 35 to 75 pounds. So, you can expect your Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix to weigh around 50 to 110 pounds with a height of around 25 to 32 inches.

Is This Mixed Breed Hypoallergenic?

The Great Pyrenees Australian Shepherd mix is ​​hypoallergenic. However, since they have a thick double coat, they are unsuitable for people who are allergic to dogs.

Do Great Pyrenees Mixed with Australian Shepherd Dogs Bark a Lot?

Originating as guard and herding dogs, Australian Shepherd and Great Pyrenees mixes tend to bark frequently, so they may not be ideal for apartment living. However, you can limit this problem by training them early and exercising them properly.

How Much Does a Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Cost?

Prices for Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mix puppies range from $800 to $4,000. The price per dog will vary depending on weight, gender, appearance, health, geographical area, number of breeders there, and so on.

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In Conclusion

Australian Shepherd Great Pyrenees mixes are large hybrid dogs. Inheriting desirable traits from their parent breeds, they are good guard dogs and loyal companions for you and your family.

They also are a high-energy hybrid, so they need to engage in several hours of physical and mental activity each day. These mixed dogs cannot tolerate when you leave them alone for long periods. If these things are not satisfied, they will become bored and cause destructive behavior.

If you can do these things, Great Pyrenees Australian Shepherd mixes are the right pet for you!

John Switch
John Switch / Author

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